Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Communications

Risk Initiative Category

Gold Award

Covid-19 Support Package for the Aviation Sector

In early 2020, the Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Communications (DITRDC) rapidly designed and implemented a range of support programs for the aviation sector, in response to an unprecedented crisis caused by the COVID‑19 pandemic. Total industry-wide assistance for the aviation sector is more than $5.3 billion so far.

To manage the risks of rapidly delivering large and complex new programs, DITRDC implemented a number of controls. These included designing programs with regular review points and iteratively adjusting program settings over time; the creation of a dedicated aviation governance and assurance team to support program delivery teams; and the establishment of an aviation governance board to provide oversight of the programs and give strategic advice.

Effective management of risks has contributed to the programs achieving their objectives. Essential air transport connectivity has been maintained throughout the pandemic, ensuring supply chains have been maintained, people have been able to access urgent medical treatments and other essential services, and aviation capability has been preserved. This work has also embedded a stronger culture of program and risk reporting across the aviation teams, and supported closer inter-agency collaboration and management of shared risks.

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