Presentation requirements

For the differing scenarios addressed in sections 17A–17K of the Public Governance, Performance and Accountability Rule 2014 (PGPA Rule), different presentation requirements apply.

Generally speaking:

  • separate annual performance statements (APS), annual financial statements (AFS) and a separate annual report (AR), under sections 17B–17G of the PGPA Rule, must be prepared for the old entity to report on the non-transferred functions (the accountable authority of the nominated entity has discretion in how these statements and reports are presented)
  • reporting requirements under section 17J of the PGPA Rule vary according to the type of reporting document and the situation. Entities should check the relevant presentation requirements applicable to their circumstances.

The following tables:

  • show the preparation requirements that apply for various MoG scenarios
  • intentionally exclude information for sections 17A, 17E and 17H of the PGPA Rule (these sections are guides to subdivisions A, B and C)

PGPA Rule section and functions transferred

Additional criteria

Has old entity ceased to exist?

Responsible AA for the APS, AFS and AR

Period for reporting

Section 17B

No functions



AA of the nominated entity

APS, AFS and AR:                
The nominated entity reports for the full reporting period of non-transferred functions.

Section 17C

Some functions



AA of the nominated entity

APS, AFS and AR:                
The nominated entity reports for the full reporting period of non-transferred functions.

Section 17D

All functions



N/A – see Subdivision C table below.


Section 17F

Some functions

Unfeasible for the AA of the old entity to report


AA of the nominated entity

APS, AFS and AR:                
The nominated entity reports for the full reporting period of non-transferred functions.

Section 17G

All functions



N/A – see Subdivision C table below.


AA means accountable authority, APS means annual performance statements, AFS means annual financial statements, AR means annual report.

PGPA Rule section and functions transferred

Has old entity ceased to exist?

Responsible AA for the APS, AFS and AR

Period for reporting

Section 17J

Some or all functions

Yes or No

AA of the reporting entity (that is, the nominated entity or otherwise the new entity)

APS and AR:
The reporting entity reports for the full reporting period in relation to transferred functions (including the part of the reporting period prior to the transfer of functions).

If the old entity:

  • ceased to exist or all its functions are transferred, the reporting entity prepares a single set of AFS as if the old entity was part of the reporting entity for the entire reporting period in relation to the transferred function(s).
  • continues to exist and some functions of the old entity have been transferred, the old entity will report on the non-transferred functions for the full reporting period and the transferred functions up to the date of transfer; the reporting entity will report on the transferred functions from the date of transfer until the end of the reporting period.

AA means accountable authority, APS means annual performance statements, AFS means annual financial statements, AR means annual report.

PGPA Rule section and functions transferred

Has old entity ceased to exist?

Responsible AA for the APS, AFS and AR

Period for reporting

Section 17K

Some or all

Yes or No

AA of the old entity

APS, AFS and AR:                
The old entity reports for the full reporting period in relation to the transferred and non-transferred functions.

AA means accountable authority, APS means annual performance statements, AFS means annual financial statements, AR means annual report.

Statement of preparation for annual financial statements

Under the scenarios set out in sections 17A–17K of the PGPA Rule, the relevant annual financial statements must include a reference to the PGPA Rule in the basis of preparation note, stating that the financial statements have been prepared in accordance with, among other things, the PGPA Rule as shown in the following example.

Example 2: Basis of preparation of financial statements

The financial statements have been prepared in accordance with: 

  • Division 4 of Part 2-3 of the PGPA Rule 
  • Public Governance, Performance and Accountability (Financial Reporting) Rule 2015 
  • Australian Accounting Standards and Interpretations – Reduced Disclosure Requirements issued by the Australian Accounting Standards Board (AASB) that apply for the reporting period.


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