
On this page;

Access refers to the ability for people, businesses, academia, and the APS to access the data they need to support their activities. The Government generates a significant amount of data, the challenge is ensuring relevant groups can access this data. Initiatives under this data practice help overcome the challenge and improve data access.

Consumer Data Right (Treasury, Australian Competition & Consumer Commission )

Consumer Data Right gives you the right to share your data between service providers of your choosing. It's now active in banking and energy, so you may choose to share your banking and energy data with a new provider to get a better offer, or with an app to access a new service. Consumer Data Right will grow over time, as more and more providers join. As it grows, it will become more powerful for individuals and small businesses.

Australian Government Data Catalogue (Office of the National Data Commissioner)

The ONDC has developed the Australian Government Data Catalogue, which draws on agencies' data inventories to help users find Government data.

Agency Inventories (Office of the National Data Commissioner)

The Government has committed that agencies will identify data assets.  ONDC has developed the Guide to developing a data inventory to support Government agencies to discover the data they hold and maintain a data inventory. The Guide details six steps for developing, enhancing, or maintaining an agency data inventory. These steps have been tested and refined by working with agencies in the Data Inventories Pilot Program.

Private Sector Data Acquisition (Australian Bureau of Statistics)

A consistent and coherent approach to private sector data acquisition through secure channels will reduce provider burden and create efficiencies within government

Open Data is the central source of Australian open government data. Anyone can access the anonymised public data published by federal, state, and local government agencies. This data is a national resource that holds considerable value for growing the economy, improving service delivery, and transforming policy outcomes. In addition to government data, you can also find publicly funded research data and datasets from private institutions that are in the public interest.

Data hubs

National Freight Data Hub (Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development, Communications, and the Arts)

The National Freight Data Hub is capturing, improving, standardising, and sharing freight data to improve the efficiency, safety, productivity, and resilience of the freight sector.

Regional Data Hub (Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development, Communications, and the Arts)

The Regional Data Hub connects Australians to data and insights about their communities. The Hub can help you:

  • Find regional data with an extensive and easy to use data catalogue
  • Explore regional data insights via interactive dashboards and maps
  • Learn about data and the resources on the hub with a range of educational material

National Waste and Resource Recovery Data Hub (Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water)

The National Waste and Resource Recovery Data Hub will make data more accessible for industry, government and the public, and will encourage the data community to interact and contribute to the information on the waste and resource recovery sector.

Road Safety Data Hub (Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development, Communications, and the Arts)

The National Road Safety Data Hub aims to provide nationally consistent, timely and consumable data and information to support the prevention of fatal and serious injuries on Australian roads.

Secure environment for analysing data

SEADpod (Australian Bureau of Statistics)

The SEAD service is an innovative solution providing a series of secure, self-contained environments known as “SEADpods” within the ABS DataLab’s cloud-based infrastructure. SEADpods operate independently from the DataLab but adhere to the same Safe Settings risk management controls, in line with the Five Safes framework.

Whole of government infrastructure

Digital Atlas of Australia (Geoscience Australia)

The Digital Atlas of Australia brings together curated and trusted national datasets into an interactive, secure, and easy to use online platform. It allows you to explore, visualise and analyse data and information quickly and easily using interactive data products.

Australian National Data Integration Infrastructure (Australian Bureau of Statistics)

The ANDII builds on recent government reforms, including the Data Availability and Transparency Act 2022 and the Intergovernmental agreement on data sharing between the Australian and state and territory governments. ANDII will streamline the approach and reduce the time required to build and access integrated datasets.

Australian Climate Service (Bureau of Meteorology; Australian Bureau of Statistics; Geoscience Australia; Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation)

The Australian Climate Service helps its customers to better understand the threats posed by a changing climate and natural hazards, to limit the impacts now and in the future. The service is a partnership, made up of world leading science, information and expertise from the Bureau of Meteorology, Geoscience Australia, CSIRO and Australian Bureau of Statistics. It brings the Commonwealth’s extensive climate and natural hazard information into a single national view.

Analysis solution

DataLab (Australian Bureau of Statistics)

DataLab is the analysis solution for high-end users who want to undertake real time complex analysis of detailed microdata. Compare data services to see if detailed microdata in the DataLab is the right service for you.


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