Communications & media

On this page you will find guidance on how you can effectively use digital communication and information tools, including appropriate branding and getting your website up and running. 

If you need to undertake advertising you can find information on the Whole of Australian Government Advertising Arrangement.

Topics covered in this section of the guide:#

  • Website domain names
  • Australian Government branding guidelines
  • Whole of Government Advertising Arrangements
  • Media enquiries policy
  • Clear and consistent government communication

Useful resources and contact information are available in the tables below.

Website domain names#

As a Commonwealth entity you will be using in your domain name to identify your website as a government website. The Digital Transformation Agency manages to help government agencies set up and maintain their website domain names.

Key Tasks

Task Explanation Resources Contact
Apply to register your domain name The domain is reserved for use by Australian, state and territory, and local government entities. 

Domain names | Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development, Communications and the Arts

Digital Transformation Agency

Domain Administration Helpdesk


Government branding #

A common, easily recognisable brand ensures clear and consistent branding across Australian Government departments and agencies.

Guidelines have been developed to help entities ensure the Australian Government logo is consistently applied to products such as official Australian Government documents and publications.

Further information is in the Australian Government Branding Guidelines .

Questions can be directed to



The Communications Advice Branch in the Department of Finance is responsible for the whole-of-government coordination of advertising.

All non-corporate Commonwealth entities must comply with the Guidelines on Information and Advertising campaigns by non-corporate Commonwealth entities

The Guidelines apply to all campaigns undertaken within Australia. 

Advertising campaigns with budgets of $250,000 or more are subject to review by the Independent Communications Committee.

Corporate Commonwealth entities and Commonwealth companies are not required to comply with the Guidelines and may undertake their own advertising processes. 

More information on Advertising can be found on the Finance website.  

You can contact Communications Advice Branch at

Key Tasks





Ensure all advertising is placed through the Australian Government's Central Advertising System.

Non-corporate Commonwealth entities must place all of their advertising, including public notices and job ads etc. through the Central Advertising System.

Finance website


Guidelines on Information and Advertising campaigns by non-corporate Commonwealth entities

Communications Advice Branch

Finance switchboard

02 6215 2222


Media enquiries policy#

As a new Commonwealth entity you should consider how you will respond to approaches from the media. 

You should consider a media protocol for your entity. This should be consistent with that followed by your portfolio department.


Clear and consistent government communication#

The Australian Government Style Manual is the authoritative source of rules and guidance for government writing and editing. The Style Manual aims is to make all government communication clear and consistent.

Information and data management, copyright, privacy and freedom of information

Protective and cyber security policies, security advisors and buying technology

Buying and selling for Government, whole-of-government arrangements and travel

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