Whole of Australian Government Procurement

Whole of Australian Government Arrangements are arrangements that are set up for Commonwealth entities to use when procuring certain goods or services. These are either coordinated or cooperative procurements, some of which are mandatory for use, and generally result in overarching contracts or standing offer (panel) arrangements.

Coordinated Procurement Arrangements

Coordinated procurement arrangements are established for commonly used goods or services by the Commonwealth. These arrangements ensure more efficient processes to deliver better prices, service and quality for the Commonwealth. Coordinated procurement arrangements also offer increased transparency, standard terms and conditions and improved contract management that benefits both the government and suppliers.   

Where established, coordinated procurement arrangements are mandatory for non-corporate Commonwealth entities, as defined in section 8 of the Public Governance, Performance and Accountability Act 2013 (PGPA Act)

Whether other entities can opt-in is dependent on each specific arrangement.

A list of mandatory coordinated arrangements is below, including detail on where each arrangement may be applicable to other entities.

NCE = non-corporate Commonwealth entity; CCE = corporate Commonwealth entity; GBE = Government Business Enterprise.

Please note: this page’s content is targeted towards Commonwealth entities. Suppliers are encouraged to visit this page for information on how to join an existing arrangement.

Arrangements managed by the Department of Finance

Good or ServiceSON IDOverview
AccommodationSON3453059Mandated for NCEs 
Opt in for CCEs and GBEs 
Whole-of-Australian-Government Travel Services
Air ServicesSON3337469
Car Rental ServicesSON3527487
Travel and Related Card ServicesSON3637640
Travel Management ServicesSON2768152
Campaign Evaluation Market Research ServicesSON3896690Mandated for NCEs with the exception of the Australian Electoral Commission 
Opt in for GBEs 
Campaign Evaluation
Government AdvertisingSON4094781Mandated for NCEs 
Opt in for CCEs, GBEs Commonwealth companies, ACT and NT Governments and authorised organisations (refer to Central Advertising System
Whole-of-Australian Government Advertising Arrangement
SON3754402For the provision of Whole of Government Campaign Advertising Services
Management Advisory ServicesSON3751667Mandated for NCEs 
Opt in for CCEs, CCs and GBEs 
Management Advisory Services
Motor Vehicle Leasing and Fleet ManagementSON1142512Mandated for NCEs 
Opt in for CCEs and GBEs 
Vehicle Leasing and Fleet Management
People PanelSON3897769 

Finance is establishing a new coordinated procurement arrangement for Recruitment and Search Services, Labour Hire Services and Contractor Services.

See People Panel for further information.

Property Services Coordinated ProcurementSON3460620

Mandated for NCEs 
Opt in for CCEs

For entities: 
Property Services Coordinated Procurement

For suppliers: 
Property Services Coordinated Procurement

Stationery and Office SuppliesSON4075384Mandated for NCEs 
Opt in for CCEs and GBEs 
The Stationery and Office Supplies Panel

Arrangement managed by the Attorney General's Department

Good or ServiceSON IDOverview
Legal ServicesSON3622041Further information on purchasing legal services can be found on the Attorney-General’s Department’s website 

Arrangements managed by the Digital Transformation Agency

Good or ServiceSON IDOverview
Amazon Web Services (AWS) ArrangementSON3588479Mandatory for NCEs 
Opt in for CCEs and State and Territory government entities 
Data Centre Panel 3SON3945937Mandated for NCEs 
Opt in for CCEs 
Data Centre Panel 3
IBM Arrangement 2.0SON3933978Mandatory for NCEs 
Opt in for CCEs and State and Territory governments entities IBM Arrangement. 
Hardware Marketplace PanelSON3541738Mandated for NCEs when buying desktop PCs, mobile PCs, virtual desktop devices, monitors, printers, scanners and multifunction devices. 
Opt in for CCEs, State and Territory entities, other Australian Government bodies and corporations controlled by Australian government (including State or Territory) 
Hardware Marketplace Panel
Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) products and service solutions 
(Available through Software Marketplace Panel)
SON3490955Mandatory for NCEs when purchasing ERP products 
Opt in for CCEs 
Microsoft Volume Sourcing Arrangement SON3615953Mandated for NCEs 
Opt in for CCEs - excluding GBEs. 
Oracle Products and ServicesSON3726074Mandatory for NCEs 
Opt in for CCEs and State and Territory governments entities. 
Rimini Street ArrangementSON3660909Mandatory for NCEs 
Opt in for CCEs, State, Territory and Local Government agencies, and public higher education institutions established by legislation  
SAP Products and ServicesSON3464296Mandatory for NCEs 
Opt in for CCEs and State and Territory governments entities 
Telecommunication Marketplace PanelSON3713272Mandated for NCEs when buying data carriage, internet carriage and enterprise mobility. 
Opt in for CCEs and State and Territory government entities 
Telecommunications Marketplace

Establishing a coordinated procurement arrangement

There are a number of steps to follow when considering establishing a new coordinated procurement arrangement, including seeking government authority and agreement. If your entity is considering establishing a coordinated procurement arrangement, contact the Department of Finance at procurementagencyadvice@finance.gov.au.

Contact for information on this page: Procurement Agency Advice

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