Data by design
Data by design refers to an approach that ensures data collections and other issues are considered during the design phase of any system, service, product, or process and throughout the life cycle. As part of taking a data by design approach, Government entities should consider how their activities align with and meet commitments under the Data and Digital Government Strategy.
Key Resources for Data by Design:
- Charter of Partnerships and Engagement (Reform Agenda)
- The Charter will support stronger relationships, collaborations, and joint decision-making between the Australian Public Service (APS), non-government sectors, and the public as part of the Government’s APS Reform Agenda.
- Metadata Attributes (Office of the National Data Commissioner)
The ONDC Metadata Attributes guide was developed to aid agencies that are considering data inventory uplift work. It defines a set of 26 metadata attributes, including 10 core attributes which are critical for data management and 16 additional attributes to further support the discovery and use of data assets.