Advertising Whole-of-Australian Government Advertising Arrangement, Campaign and Non-campaign advertising. APS Accounting and Finance Profession Key Resources Resources developed and compiled for APS Accounting and Finance professionals. Assurance Reviews and Risk Assessments Assurance Reviews are short, intensive reviews conducted by independent reviewers sourced from both the public and private sector. Australia’s Digital ID System A national, economy-wide system that provides Australians with a voluntary, secure, convenient, and inclusive way of verifying who they are online. Charging Guidance for entities who charge for Government products and services. Climate Action in Government Operations Find out how the Department of Finance is leading Commonwealth entities and companies to act on climate change in their operations. Risk and Insurance (Comcover) Comcover facilitates the integration of risk and insurance management into government functions and operations. Commonwealth Investments The Commonwealth Investment Framework assists with greater coordination, consistency and oversight of Commonwealth investment that utilises the Commonwealth balance sheet. Entity Start-up Portal Setting up a Commonwealth entity, important information and who you can talk to for assistance. Federal Budget The Federal Budget provides a picture of Australia's financial forecast and government's fiscal policy across the forward years. Government Business Enterprise (GBE) Information for GBEs operating under prescribed rules s8 of the PGPA Act. Whole of Government Information and Communications Technology Services ICT solutions provided to Government. Financial reporting and accounting policy Commonwealth financial reporting process and obligations, related policies and guidance. Grants Grants are widely used to achieve government policy objectives, involving the payment of billions of dollars each year to the non-government sector. Investment Funds Investment funds involve the purchase and management of financial assets to fund a particular policy objective. Machinery of Government changes Information on Machinery of Government changes, also referred to as an Administrative Arrangements Order change. Managing Commonwealth Resources The Commonwealth Resource Management Framework governs how officials in the Commonwealth public sector use and manage public resources. Ministerial and Parliamentary Services Ministerial and Parliamentary Services (M&PS) oversees the provision of non-travel related expenses and services to Parliamentarians and their respective employees. Procurement Commonwealth Procurement Framework which assists government and business through advice, support and services. Property and Construction Commonwealth land and property management including administration of the Lands Acquisition Act 1989 and the Public Works Committee Act 1969. Public Data Public data is a valuable national asset underpinning Australia’s ability to realise economic and social objectives. Regulatory Reform The Regulatory Reform Division is leading and coordinating the reform agenda across Government, and working with other jurisdictions to progress key reforms. The new APS ERP approach An Australian Public Service wide program for the provision of common services. Service Delivery Office The Service Delivery Office (SDO) is one of the providers of shared services for Australian Government departments and agencies. The SDO provides corporate transactional processing and technical services to client. Sharing Australian Government data The National Data Commissioner is the regulator of the Data Availability and Transparency Act 2022, and the Office of the National Data Commissioner sits within the Department of Finance. Specialist Investment Vehicles Specialist investment vehicles (SIVs) are Commonwealth entities that prudently invest public funds across diverse sectors. Superannuation Superannuation information to Australian Government agencies. Transparency Portal Publicly available corporate information for Commonwealth entities and companies, including Annual Reports, Corporate Plans, and Portfolio Budget Statements. Travel Arrangements Coordinated travel services for the Australian Government. Vehicle Leasing & Fleet Management Fleet Leasing Arrangements, Fleet Services Contract. Popular links Guideline Flipchart of PGPA Act 2013 Commonwealth entities and companies Contracts AusTender Grants GrantConnect Guideline ClauseBank Guidance Entity Start-up guide Ministerial and Parliamentary Services Ministerial and Parliamentary Services website Index List of Resource Management Guides (RMGs) Legislation PGPA Act