Australian Government Property Register
Finance maintains the Australian Government Property Register (AGPR) for office accommodation and owned Commonwealth property as Finance is responsible for reporting on office accommodation and owned estate.
Non-corporate Commonwealth entities (NCEs) and Property Service Provider (PSPs) on behalf of NCEs, must contribute to the AGPR, in addition to the accountability and transparency requirements of section 7 of the Commonwealth Procurement Rules. Corporate Commonwealth entities (CCEs) may opt into the Office Data Collection and/or the Owned Estate Data Collection.
Annual Office Data Collection
The annual Office Data Collection provides an evidence base for decision making in relation to office accommodation and shop fronts leased or owned by the Commonwealth.
This data assists Finance and NCEs to identify opportunities to adopt best practice, progressively improve the management of office space and shop fronts, achieve efficiencies, and inform whole of government property decision making. This data is also used to inform the Commonwealth Leasing Strategy and to develop the annual Australian Government Office Occupancy Report.
Further details on the Office Data Collection are available on the Leased Office Accommodation page.
PSPs will be responsible for collecting, validating and submitting all property data to the AGPR on behalf of NCEs. NCEs are also required to validate this information to verify its accuracy. There is some data that PSPs may not have access to and will require the entity’s assistance in the collection of that data (for example, staff allocated to a lease, number of workstations) for the PSP to upload to the AGPR. PSPs will work with the entity to determine the best approach to source this data.
NCEs that have not yet transitioned to PSCP Arrangements will be responsible for collecting, validating and submitting all property data to the AGPR, in accordance with instructions issued by Finance.
Annual Owned Estate Data Collection
The Owned Estate Data Collection provides information on Commonwealth land holdings, including properties that may be surplus and suitable for disposal by the Commonwealth.
NCEs must report the acquisition or sale of property to Finance through the AGPR and owned estate data must be updated whenever changes occur.
Further details on the Owned Estate Data Collection are available on the Commonwealth Land Holdings page.
LAA Reporting
There are reporting obligations on entities when acquiring and disposing of interests in land. These include reporting the exercise of delegated powers (for example, to authorise the acquisition of a leasehold interest) to Finance within 14 days and tabling details of overseas acquisitions in Parliament. Entities should familiarise themselves with LAA Reporting obligations.