Collecting revenue or money

This page covers how entities manage money they receive.

It is relevant to non-corporate Commonwealth entities and to corporate Commonwealth entities that collect money on behalf of non-corporate Commonwealth entities.

Non-corporate Commonwealth entities

Money received by non-corporate Commonwealth entities automatically forms part of the Consolidated Revenue Fund.

This includes:

  • tax and levy receipts
  • borrowings and loan repayments
  • cost recovery activities.

Non-corporate Commonwealth entities can only keep money they receive if:

  • the money can be added to a special account
  • the receipts can be added to an appropriation.

RMG-307 Retainable receipts provides additional guidance on receipts that non-corporate Commonwealth entities can add to an appropriation.

Corporate Commonwealth entities

Corporate Commonwealth entities are legally separate to the Commonwealth. Money they receive does not automatically form part of the Consolidated Revenue Fund.

Non-corporate Commonwealth entities are accountable for and report the receipts collected by a corporate Commonwealth entities acting on its behalf.

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