Disclosure log

Documents released by Finance in response to Freedom of Information requests

Under the Freedom of Information Act 1982 (FOI Act), agencies are required to publish information in documents provided in response to FOI requests.  The publication of such documents must be done within 10 days of the release of the documents to the applicant.  The only exemptions will be information of the following kinds:

  • personal information about any individual, if it would be unreasonable to publish the information;
  • information about the business, commercial, financial or professional affairs of any person, if it would be unreasonable to publish the information;
  • other information of a kind determined by the Information Commissioner, if it would be unreasonable to publish the information.

Finance’s policy is to publish the documents on its Disclosure Log within one working day after the documents are provided to the Applicant.

In addition, certain exemptions may apply to particular sections of the published document.  Where applicable, these redactions have been identified.

The documents contained in the Disclosure Log may not be accessible to people using some assistive technologies. Members of the public that cannot access the documents on the Disclosure Log can contact the FOI Coordinator to discuss alternative access arrangements.

Finance FOI Reference Summary of FOI Request Date released to Applicant
FOI 24-25/090 Terms of reference for Review of Australian Government Travel Policies
FOI 24-25/081 and FOI 24-25/088 Documents relating to amendments to the Financial Framework (Supplementary Powers) Regulations 1997
FOI 24-25/070 Supplementary Estimates documents – ANI and ASC
Finance FOI Reference Summary of FOI Request Date released to Applicant
FOI 24-25/076 Future Fund Investment Mandate
FOI 24-25/065 Participants in public consultation for procurement roundtable & foreign submissions
FOI 24-25/049 Publishing invoices
FOI 24-25/054, 055, & 057 Related budget estimates briefs
FOI 24-25/031 Documents relating to the creation of a Public Interest Certificate
FOI 24-25/032 Property services documents - May 2024 update
FOI 24-25/029 WoAG Travel Management Contract Audit
FOI 24-25/040 Welcome to Country ceremony invoice amounts
FOI 24-25/022 Costs associated with damage and vandalism
FOI 24-25/020 June Data and Digital Ministers Meeting Documents
FOI 24-25/021 Pharmacy Budget Proposals
FOI 24-25/013 A list of invoices provided to Senator Chandler's and Senator Jacinta Nampijinpa Price's office for services provided between 1 January 2024 to date
FOI 24-25/023 Documents released on internal review of FOI 23-24/160
FOI 24-25/011 Vehicle Plates for Guests of Government
FOI 24-25/004 & 005 Ministerial and Secretary Briefing
FOI 24-25/018 The effectiveness of the AusTender system
FOI 23-24/185 National Aerial Firefighting Grants
FOI 24-25/017 FOI Guidance and Templates
FOI 23-24/186 Senator Mehreen Faruqi printing and communications expenses
FOI 24-25/007 The Hon Richard Marles MP electorate office and ministerial office costs.
FOI 23-24/174 Invoices for Senator Chandler and Senator Nampijinpa Price
FOI 23-24/182 Australian Political Parties for Democracy Program 2023-24 Financial Year

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