Disclosure log

Documents released by Finance in response to Freedom of Information requests

Under the Freedom of Information Act 1982 (FOI Act), agencies are required to publish information in documents provided in response to FOI requests.  The publication of such documents must be done within 10 days of the release of the documents to the applicant.  The only exemptions will be information of the following kinds:

  • personal information about any individual, if it would be unreasonable to publish the information;
  • information about the business, commercial, financial or professional affairs of any person, if it would be unreasonable to publish the information;
  • other information of a kind determined by the Information Commissioner, if it would be unreasonable to publish the information.

Finance’s policy is to publish the documents on its Disclosure Log within one working day after the documents are provided to the Applicant.

In addition, certain exemptions may apply to particular sections of the published document.  Where applicable, these redactions have been identified.

The documents contained in the Disclosure Log may not be accessible to people using some assistive technologies. Members of the public that cannot access the documents on the Disclosure Log can contact the FOI Coordinator to discuss alternative access arrangements.

Finance FOI Reference Summary of FOI Request Date released to Applicant
FOI 23-24/106 Printing and Communications Invoices - Prime Minister
FOI 23-24/089 Government response to Joint Standing Committee on Electoral Matters Report
FOI 23-24/086 Printing and communication invoices for Jason Wood MP
FOI 23-24/098 Department of Finance Style Guide
FOI 23-24/087 Communications relating to the Royal Commission into the Robodebt Scheme
FOI 23-24/096 List of Service Delivery Office client agencies
FOI 23-24/074 Office expenses for five parliamentarians
FOI 23-24/082 Comcar trips
FOI 23-24/081 Office and facilities costs
FOI 23-24/080 Infringement notices
FOI 23-24/077 Minister Burke office facilities cost breakdown
FOI 23-24/035 Consulting expenses
FOI 23-24/065 NRF Investment mandate
SMOS 23-24/001 Electoral reform
FOI 23-24/057 NRF Board Appointments
Finance FOI Reference Summary of FOI Request Date released to Applicant
FOI 23-24/050 Printed item for Senator Babet
FOI 23-24/056 Property documents
FOI 23-24/062 Future Fund Board of Guardians , Maximum annual distribution for financial year 2024-25
FOI 23-24/029 Collins submarines Full Cycle Dockings from September 2022 to January 2023
FOI 23-24/047 Senate Estimates briefs
FOI 23-24/030 Correspondence from Senator Shoebridge to the Department of Finance
FOI 23-24/011 Social and print media expenses
FOI 23-24/005 Social media expenses
FOI 23-24/033 Gift Register and Guidance
FOI 23-24/008 Relocations costs 1 May 22 to 1 May 23

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