Publication author: Department of Finance
Publication abstract:
In addition to the accountabilities set out in the SES Accountabilities for Data, Australian Government Chief Data Officers (CDOs) are accountable for their organisation’s enterprise-wide governance and use of data as an asset, as well as building agency data capabilities. This accountability involves not only the formal responsibilities but will include meeting the Government’s expectations for APS agency data management and use.
APS CDOs also operate within a broad and complex Commonwealth data system, comprising many cross-cutting data initiatives, policies, frameworks, and data assets led by a multitude of data stakeholders.
The Department of Finance has developed this Information Pack to help CDOs understand their accountabilities and how their role fits into the broader Commonwealth data system.
We encourage CDOs to use the information in this pack to guide and support decision making that will suit the requirements for their individual agencies. The pack should not be read as an exhaustive list or a directive of how CDOs should design or fulfill their roles for their agencies.
This Information Pack will help CDOs to:
- Understand their accountabilities and the Government’s expectations
- Navigate the Commonwealth data system
- Build awareness of APS data governance groups and other communities
- Contact relevant stakeholders
- Access additional resources.
The Department of Finance welcomes feedback on the Information Pack and will update it regularly in collaboration with the Data Champions Network.