Governance - Investment Funds

Investment Fund Legislation

 Fund Legislation
Future FundFuture Fund Act 2006 
Medical Research Future FundMedical Research Future Fund Act 2015 
Housing Australia Future FundHousing Australia Future Fund Act 2023 
DisabilityCare Australia FundDisabilityCare Australia Fund Act 2013 

Future Drought Fund


Future Drought Fund Act 2019
Disaster Ready FundDisaster Ready Fund Act 2019
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Land and Sea Future FundAboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Land and Sea Future Fund Act 2018  

Responsible Ministers

The Future Fund Act designates the Minster for Finance and the Treasurer as the “responsible Ministers”.  The responsible Ministers have the joint power to:

  • credit cash amounts to the Future Fund through a Special Account and to transfer financial assets to the Fund;
  • appoint and remove members from the Future Fund Board;
  • issue the Future Fund Investment Mandate.

The Future Fund Act further requires that one of the responsible ministers be appointed as the “nominated minister”. The purpose of assigning a nominated minister is to streamline and simplify processes relating to some of the responsible ministers’ duties.

The Future Fund (Nominated Minister) Determination 2006 appoints the Minister for Finance as the nominated minister.

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