APS Accounting and Finance Profession Resources

The Department of Finance (Finance) plays a key stewardship role in facilitating ongoing collaboration, support and development of accounting and finance professionals within the Australian Public Service (APS), and to grow the capability and capacity of the profession, consistent with the APS Workforce Strategy 2025). 

Join the APS Accounting and Finance Professional Network

Join the APS Accounting and Finance Professional Network

The Community is open to APS staff and staff of Commonwealth entities and Commonwealth companies.


Recruitment and retention resources for managers

  • Principles for recruitment, mentoring and secondments (document available on request) – suggested principles for the development of APS accounting and finance professional staff
  • APS Accounting and Finance Profession Workforce Strategy (document available on request) – suggested actions for Chief Financial Officers (CFOs) and accountable authorities in attracting, developing and retaining accounting and finance professionals
  • APSC Graduate Portal – information on graduate recruitment in the APS, including the Accounting and Financial Management Stream
  • Specialist panellist for Accounting and Finance SES vacancies – information on selection panel requirements for Accounting and Finance Senior Executive Service (SES) positions.

Career Planning

  • Graduate to EL2 Capability Framework  – this will assist you in identifying your skill and knowledge gaps in your current or future roles, and working with your manager to gain that knowledge and experience
  • CFO Career Pathways – a roadmap to show you how different experiences, skills and opportunities can lead you to a future career as a CFO
  • CFO Capability Framework – capability expectations for CFOs. 

Technical accounting policy and guidance

Accounting policy guidance is designed to support, and be read, in conjunction with the Commonwealth entities financial statements guide, Public Governance, Performance and Accountability (Financial Reporting) Rule 2015, and Australian Accounting Standards (AASs). Technical accounting policy and guidance documents include Resource Management Guides, position papers, presentation notes, finance guidance, and answers to frequently asked questions.

Technical Training

Previous technical training and information sessions run by Finance are available in the APS Accounting and Finance Professional Network GovTEAMS Community (see below for how to join). These include:

  • Appropriations Reporting in Financial Statements
  • Financial Reporting Framework
  • An introduction to Appropriations - Appropriations Masterclass
  • Portfolio Budget Statements Tips and Tricks 
  • Financial Stewardship Forum presentation slides.

Key legislation and other guidance

The following guidance may also be useful for accounting and finance professionals when providing advice to their internal stakeholders on compliance with Commonwealth legislation and financial management matters:


APS Accounting and Finance Professional Network GovTEAMS Community

This community is a one-stop-shop, where you can access resources and connect with accounting and finance colleagues across the APS. We have created channels for you to share knowledge, mobility and learning and development opportunities, communities of practice, and related information. 

The Community is open to APS staff and staff of Commonwealth entities and Commonwealth companies. 

Join the APS Accounting and Finance Professional Network

Financial Stewardship Forum

The Financial Stewardship Forum is a regular meeting of CFOs and other key finance officers of Commonwealth entities. The Forum provides information on current accounting and financial reporting issues, presented by Finance.

For more information, see the Financial Stewardship Forum page

Communities of Practice (CoPs)

Communities of practice are groups of people working in the same field, who come together to share ideas, exhibit their work, solve problems and explore best practice.

Accounting and Finance CoPs allow practitioners from across the APS to collaborate and share challenges, issues and ideas for best practice in specific technical areas, draw on the knowledge and expertise of Finance, the professional bodies and other entities.

There are a number of CoPs that have been established across the APS:

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