Consideration of Broader Economic Benefits in Procurement - Public Consultation Submissions

The Commonwealth Procurement Rules (CPRs) place a requirement on officials to consider the economic benefit of a procurement to the Australian economy in the context of determining value for money for higher value procurements.

Following a public consultation process, revised guidance on the consideration of broader economic benefits to the Australian economy has been released.

Public Consultation Submissions

The Department of Finance invited any interested parties to provide their comments and suggestions for consideration in the development of revised guidance on the consideration of economic benefits to the Australian economy.

The following written submissions were provided as part of the consultation process, and have received appropriate consent from the submitters to be published.

Consultation Process

Public consultation on updating the guidance opened on 4 June 2024 and closed on 3 July 2024. The consultation paper is available in the download section.

The purpose of the consultation was to further update and strengthen the existing guidance, to support both procuring officials and suppliers with the practical implementation of the requirements relating to economic benefits, while staying within the boundaries of our international government procurement commitments.

Further enquiries can be submitted to



Public Consultation - Consideration of Broader Economic Benefits in Procurement



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