Commonwealth Climate Disclosure Requirements

Commonwealth Climate Disclosure Requirements 

Commonwealth Climate Disclosure Requirements  

Application Guidance

Entities in Tranche 1 of the Commonwealth Climate Disclosure (CCD) initiative are to commence reporting against the Year 1 CCD Requirements in FY2024-25 annual reports. This builds on the limited disclosures made through the CCD Pilot for Departments of State and entities that voluntarily opted-in, in FY2023-24 annual reports.

For Tranches 1 and 2, CCD Requirements will be progressively sequenced-in over three years to allow for capability uplift and climate risk maturity development. Disclosures will be made across the four categories of climate disclosure outlined below.


Processes, controls, and procedures used to identify, prioritise, monitor, manage and oversee climate-related risks and opportunities



Strategic approaches used to manage climate-related risks and opportunities and reduce emissions over time

Risk management

Methods used to assess an entity's overall risk profile and embed climate risk management practices across its organisation


Metrics and targets

Processes and methodologies an entity uses to track its performance and meet its climate targets

Entities that do not meet the Tranche 1 thresholds can voluntarily opt-in to commence climate disclosure in FY2024-25. Early adoption of the CCD initiative will assist entities to build internal capability and demonstrate leadership in climate action and management.

You can refer to the Commonwealth Climate Disclosure Policy to confirm what year your entity commences the CCD initiative. Please contact to opt-in to Tranche 1.

FY2024-25 Reporting Period

Entities in Tranche 1 will commence reporting on the Year 1 CCD Requirements within their FY2024-25 annual reports. This will include foundational criteria under Governance, Strategy, Risk management and Metrics and targets. Entities may voluntarily report on additional information beyond the Year 1 Requirements if they wish.

The scope for climate-related risks and opportunities to be disclosed in year 1 includes (but is not limited to) the climate-related risks and opportunities associated with the entity’s main business operations and people, assets or other infrastructure the entity relies on to maintain business continuity.

Future Reporting Periods

The Requirements for climate disclosures in Year 2 and 3 (2025-26 and 2026-27 respectively) are currently under development. The Indicative Year 2 and 3 Requirements can be used to guide entities with forward planning for future reporting periods.

The Year 2 and 3 CCD Requirements will be published on this website when complete in early 2025-26.

Application Guidance

The Application Guidance is a suite of resources that have been developed to help entities as they develop their climate disclosures. These will be progressively updated from Q1 2025.

The resources available will include resources developed by the Department of Finance and the Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water to help entities undertake climate risk and opportunity assessments and prepare high-quality climate disclosures.

Frequently Asked Questions

These questions will be updated throughout Tranche 1 implementation to incorporate additional feedback and questions received.

Commonwealth Climate Disclosure is the Government’s policy for Commonwealth entities and Commonwealth companies to publicly report on their exposure to climate risks and opportunities, as well as their actions to manage them, delivering transparent and consistent climate disclosures to the Australian public.

Non-corporate Commonwealth entities are required to complete climate disclosures.

Corporate Commonwealth entities, and Commonwealth companies who are not required to prepare a sustainability report under section 292A of the Corporations Act 2001, are encouraged to complete climate disclosures. It is intended that the policy is mandated through amendments to section 516A of the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 in the future.

Commonwealth companies that are required to prepare a sustainability report under section 292A of the Corporations Act 2001 are subject to that initiative.

Tranche 1 entities are:

  • All Commonwealth entities that are a 'controlling corporation' under the National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting Act 2007.
  • All Specialist Investment Vehicles, and the Future Fund Management Agency.
  • Entities that fulfill two out of the four thresholds below:
    • Referenced in Part 1 of the Climate Change (Consequential Amendments) Act 2022;
    • Has over 500 employees;
    • The value of total assets at the end of the financial year of the entity/company and any entities it controls is $1 billion or more;
    • The annual expense for the financial year is $500 million or more.
  • All Commonwealth entities with responsibility for climate change or climate risk disclosure policy design or implementation, not otherwise covered by the previous criteria.

You can refer to the Commonwealth Climate Disclosure Policy to confirm what year your entity is due to commence reporting.

A range of resources have been developed to help support you in preparing your climate disclosure, which can be found at the bottom of this page. While some resources are available now, others will be progressively developed and published from Q1 2025. All resources available are included on the Application Guidance webpage.

The Application Guidance will include:

  • factsheets on specific elements of the criteria
  • example disclosures
  • links to annual reports produced during the CCD Pilot
  • an online module covering the fundamentals of Climate Disclosure

In addition, the Climate Action in Government Operations Unit within the Department of Finance can perform thematic reviews of entities’ climate disclosure drafts, prior to publication in annual reports. Contact for further information.

The Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water (DCCEEW) has also developed a range of tools and guidance to support entities to identify, assess, prioritise, and manage their climate-related risks and opportunities, as part of the Climate Risk and Opportunity Management Program. These include (but are not limited to):

You do not need to have a Chief Sustainability Officer (CSO) however, non-corporate Commonwealth entities are encouraged to consider appointing a CSO as per the Net Zero in Government Operations Strategy. Corporate Commonwealth entities and companies can also consider appointing such a role.

The role of the CSO is to champion initiatives that support climate action in government operations, such as emissions reporting, APS Net Zero (including implementation of emissions reduction actions), climate risk management and disclosure. The CSO responsibilities could be added to an existing role or it could be a standalone role, depending on your entities’ circumstances, and may evolve over time.

A CSO Network has been established to support senior officials in this role, including championing climate-related risks and opportunities across their organisation.

The Commonwealth Climate Disclosure initiative has been designed to work with multiple other programs that support climate action in government operations to reduce duplication and compliance burden for departments, including the:

Familiarising yourself with these relevant policies and frameworks will assist you in understanding the Commonwealth Climate Disclosure initiative.

Commonwealth Climate Disclosures are currently not subject to a specific climate disclosure audit and assurance regime. The Department of Finance  is designing a verification and assurance regime in consultation with the Australian National Audit Office (ANAO) and affected entities.

Contact us

Please email to:

  • access support for Tranche 1 implementation
  • opt-in to Tranche 1 (for entities that do not meet the threshold)
  • request access to the Climate Action in Government Operations GovTEAMS community
  • access information on Chief Sustainability Officer roles and network.

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