Low Emission Vehicle (LEV) Target

75% of new passenger vehicle orders must be LEVs by 2025


  • The Government established the LEV Target in 2022.
  • The target is intended to accelerate the Government’s transition to LEVs and supports the Government’s broader APS Net Zero program and emission reduction objectives.
  • The Powering Australia – Commonwealth Fleet Leases budget measure (the Measure) provides financial assistance to help entities manage their adoption of LEVs. Under the Measure, entities receive a lump sum payment for each eligible vehicle delivered, which entities can use towards charging infrastructure or the cost of purchasing or leasing the LEV.
  • Purchased and leased LEVs can be held for a maximum of three years, which helps accelerate the second-hand LEV market.
  • To support the LEV Target, the Commonwealth Fleet Vehicle Selection Policy (the Policy) requires entities to select a LEV when purchasing or leasing passenger vehicles, with the preference for a Zero Emission Vehicle (ZEV).

Target Scope

In Scope

  • The LEV Target applies to orders for new passenger vehicles including ‘sports utility’ vehicles (SUVs). The inclusion of light commercial vehicles will be considered in future.
  • LEVs are defined as:
    • Battery Electric Vehicles (BEVs)
    • Hydrogen Fuel Cell Vehicles (FCEVs)
    • Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicles (PHEVs)

Out of Scope

  • Vehicle types outside the passenger category, such as light and heavy commercial vehicles, are currently excluded from the LEV Target scope.
  • The following vehicles are also excluded from the target:
    • Operational vehicles from security entities
    • Private Plated Vehicles for Parliamentarians
    • Vehicles provided as part of a remuneration package
  • Entities with out of scope vehicles are encouraged to adopt LEVs wherever possible.

Target Progress

  • Transitional targets were set to track progress toward the 2025 target.
  • The transitional targets of 25% for 2022-23 and 50% for 2023-24 have been achieved.
  • Q1 LEV orders for 2024-25 are tracking at over 75%.
  • In Scope LEV Orders:
The graph  demonstrates progress against the LEV Target by financial year. The graph has a  column in the 2022-23 financial year, 2023-24 financial year and Quarter one 2024-2025  financial year, which represents the in-scope LEV orders by percentage. For the  2022-23 financial year the column shows 44% LEV orders. For the 2023-24  financial year the column shows 72% LEV orders and, for Quarter one 2024-25 the  column shows 88% LEV orders. The graph also depicts a line,  representing the LEV transitional target across three financial years. The line  trends upward, starting at 25% in 2022-23, 50% in 2023-24 and 75% in  2024-25.
  • The table below includes the LEV orders from in scope entities placed during each financial year.
 2022-232023-24Q1 2024-25
LEV Orders19927458

LEVs in the Commonwealth Fleet

  • LEV orders and deliveries are steadily increasing.
  • The graph below demonstrates the point in time LEVs on order and the total LEVs in the Commonwealth Fleet across all entities.
The graph shows two columns which represent the number of LEVs on order or in the inventory across 30 June 2022, 30 June 2023, 30 June 2024 and 30 September 2024. For 30 June 2022, the columns show 29 LEVs in the inventory and 7 on order. For 30 June 2023, there were 111 LEVs in the inventory and 565 LEVs on order. For 30 June 2024. There were 557 LEVs in the inventory and 349 LEVs on order. On 30 September 2024, there were 701 LEVs in the inventory and 240 LEVs on order.

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