Find a grant (GrantConnect)

GrantConnect  is the Commonwealth Government's whole-of-government grant information system. It is a centralised web-based facility for information on:

  • forecast opportunities (upcoming grants)
  • grant opportunities and Guidelines (current grants, open for application)
  • grant awards (previously awarded grants)

GrantConnect brings all Commonwealth grant opportunities for COVID-19 together in the one portal.  In order to search for these opportunities please use the term ‘COVID-19’ as the search term in the Grant Opportunities page or use this COVID-19 search link to see relevant grants. 

Grant Opportunities are available from a number of agencies.  

The website is regularly updated with the latest COVID-19 advice from government agencies and information on support for businesses and individuals. 

For applicants

GrantConnect provides a free, simple and effective service for all potential grant applicants to find and access grant opportunities and related documentation. Anyone can sign up to receive notification of all new Commonwealth grant opportunities, relevant to their interests, as they are published.

Grant agreement templates

Finance has developed a suite of whole-of-government grant agreement templates to assist entities when entering into grants:

The Commonwealth Grants Rules and Guidelines do not mandate any reporting requirements for grant recipients. Any reporting requirements will be outlined in the grant agreement. This will include appropriate performance and other information. This information is important to achieving government policy outcomes. As well as help evaluate whether a grant opportunity has achieved the desired results and achieved value for money.  

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