The Commonwealth Procurement and Contract Management Awards for Excellence (the Awards) help promote the important role procurement and contract management plays in delivering services and outcomes for government, citizens, and the business community.
The 2024 Awards ceremony was held on Tuesday, 26 November, at the Hotel Realm, Canberra. It served as the concluding event of the Commonwealth Procurement and Contract Management Conference (the Conference), which was attended by Senator the Hon Tim Ayres, Assistant Minister for Trade and Assistant Minister for a Future Made in Australia and hosted by Department of Finance Secretary Jenny Wilkinson PSM. The two-day Conference delved into key themes of integrity, inclusion, and impact.
These themes were reflected in the Awards categories, which included the following categories:
Building Entity Capability
The Building Entity Capability category recognises leadership and excellence in building procurement and/or contract management capability within an entity or across the APS to ensure value for money is delivered throughout the procurement lifecycle.
Gold Award winner – Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water (DCCEEW) for their Central Procurement Team.
DCCEEW was recognised for the significant capability building achieved in establishing its Central Procurement and Contract Management team, along with the Financial Services Branch, since the department's establishment on 1 July 2022. The formation of DCCEEW resulted in the consolidation of responsibilities from 4 previous entities, aiming to create a sustainable and prosperous Australia with a focus on community and environmental stewardship.
The integration of various financial operations posed challenges initially, as these were distributed across 3 different systems coupled with a limited procurement team. In response, early priorities were set to create a best-practice procurement framework that encompassed developing consistent finance policies, adopting effective procurement processes, implementing a unified finance system, and enhancing team capabilities through recruitment.
Aligned with this vision, DCCEEW’s Finance Division conducted substantial structural changes, which included large-scale recruitment and the professionalisation of procurement staff. The department prioritised formal qualifications for procurement advisors and developed comprehensive training programs covering Finance Fundamentals, Procurement Principles and Planning, and the use of the customised TechnologyOne procurement function.
These efforts have been crucial in the successful adoption of new procurement practices throughout the department and have already led to promising early outcomes, including a reduction in non-compliance and positive, constructive feedback from key stakeholders.
Photograph of the Building Entity Capability Gold award recipients - DCCEEW with the Secretary of the Department of Finance.
Generating Broader Benefits to the Australian Economy through Procurement
This category recognises strategies or approaches to a procurement which generate outcomes and value to the Australian economy above and beyond the value of the goods and services being procured, supporting the development and sustainment of domestic industry capability.
Gold Award winner – Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority
The Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority (the Reef Authority) received a joint Gold Award for 2 standout projects that exemplified innovation and impact across the entity.
The Crown of Thorns Starfish (COTS) Control Program was recognised for its innovative approach to service delivery, which not only boosted industry participation but also made significant contributions to environmental sustainability and the broader economy.
The COTS Control Program is a collaboration between the Reef Authority, Government, industry stakeholders, research partners, and traditional owners, and it has received substantial funding from the Australian Government, amounting to $161.5 million as part of the Reef Protection Package. A recent open tender process resulted in the establishment of a diverse panel of 8 suppliers – comprised entirely of small to medium enterprises (SMEs), including an Indigenous-owned business.
The procurement initiative has created approximately 120 jobs and provided training and capacity-building opportunities for a wide range of individuals, including Reef Traditional Owners, thereby exceeding the 4% Indigenous employment requirement outlined in the Indigenous Procurement Policy. Additionally, the suppliers are committed to achieving net-zero emissions through the purchase of Australian Carbon Credit Units, aligning their operations with national sustainability goals set forth in the Powering Australia Plan.
The Traditional Use of Marine Resources Agreement (TUMRA) Program received recognition for its unconventional approach to procurement, focusing on empowering Traditional Owners and delivering notable benefits to both the local economy and community.
To manage their Sea Country, Indigenous Traditional Owners engage in Traditional Use of Marine Resources Agreements (TUMRAs), which are community-based partnerships established in collaboration with the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority and the Queensland Government’s Department of Environment, Science, and Innovation. These agreements are grounded in Traditional Lore and Customs, ensuring a robust legislative and cultural framework to protect heritage, uphold native title rights, and mange activities within the Marine Park.
TUMRAs are effective management tools that provide a platform for saltwater Traditional Owner groups to exercise cultural authority and governance over their Sea Country, covering roughly 43% of the Great Barrier Reef coastline through 10 accredited TUMRAs.
In addition to the invaluable cultural benefits of returning Indigenous people to country, the TUMRAs have generated significant economic and social advantages for the local community. Further, the capacity built through the TUMRA Program has enabled Indigenous SMEs to secure additional contracts, including those with the defence sector, demonstrating substantial economic uplift and community benefits.
Photograph of the Generating Broader Benefits to the Australian Economy through Procurement Gold award recipients – The Great Barrier Reef Authority with the Secretary of the Department of Finance.
Encouraging Environmental Sustainability through Procurement
The Encouraging Environmental Sustainability through Procurement category recognises leadership in promoting environmental sustainability throughout the procurement lifecycle.
Gold Award winner – Australian War Memorial
The Australian War Memorial's Development project was recognised for its thorough integration of sustainable practices throughout every stage of the procurement and project management process.
Extensive public consultations and comprehensive engineering studies shaped the project’s procurement processes to include stringent requirements for energy efficiency, carbon abatement, and water sensitivity, among other environmental standards.
This commitment is reflected in several innovative features, such as Geothermal Heat Exchange Central Energy Plant that significantly reduces carbon emissions, a photovoltaic solar array, and an extensive grey water recycling system, Additionally, over 95% of demolition waste will be recycled, ensuring minimal impact on the environment. Through these efforts, the Memorial is not only upgrading its facilities but also honouring the ideals of sustainability and respect for the future as advocated by the Australians whose stories it preserves.
Photograph of the Encouraging Environmental Sustainability through Procurement Gold award recipients – The Australian War Memorial with the Secretary of the Department of Finance.
Thank you to all the entities who took part in the 2024 Awards. Sharing your achievements and lessons learned with the wider APS offers a unique opportunity to demonstrate the diverse ways that Commonwealth entities procure and use public resources in efficient, effective, ethical and economic ways, driving effective engagement with the business community and ensuring value for money. We look forward to continuing to see the profile of procurement and contract management lift across the Commonwealth and to showcase future examples of commitment to excellence.
Photograph of the 2024 Commonwealth Procurement and Contract Management Awards for Excellence award recipients
We encourage everyone to continue engaging with the Procurement and Contract Management Profession, to share your experiences and learnings, and to strive for excellence in all your endeavours. Together, we can drive significant improvements in procurement and contract management capabilities and deliver better value for money outcomes on behalf of the Government and the Australian public.

Previous Recipients
Find out more about previous Awards recipients by following the links below: