Buying for the Australian Government

Please note the 1 July 2024 CPRs implement a range of changes that may not be reflected throughout all currently available guidance materials. The Department of Finance is in the process of updating all guidance materials. Until this process is complete, references to CPR paragraph numbers and footnotes may be inaccurate.


Understanding the Australian Government’s procurement policy framework (the framework) is the key to ensuring optimal value for money in purchasing decisions.

Procurement officials play a critical role in helping the Australian Government achieve program outcomes while also ensuring the Government maintains a strong accountability and transparency framework.

This section is about assisting procurement officials to engage in sound procurement practices and includes guidance on conducting standard tender processes and establishing and using panels.

This section includes guidance designed to assist officials to comply with procurement policy framework requirements in relation to AusTender, including contract reporting requirements, Annual Procurement Plans, and reporting consultancies and confidentiality clauses.

These guides contain information on managing a contract, as well as information that will assist agencies decide the need for, and the type of, assessment to be undertaken in determining a potential supplier’s financial viability.

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