G1 : Commitments | Annual Report 2016-17

G : Managing Other Uncertainties

This section includes additional information about commitments and other events that may have an impact on future financials. These amounts have not been recorded elsewhere in the statements.

In the following disclosures, Departmental and Administered items are included together for presentation purposes only and these balances should not be compared.

G1 : Commitments

Commitments are defined as:

  • Intentions to create liabilities or assets for the receiving entity, as evidenced by undertakings or agreements to make/obtain future payments to/from other entities; and
  • Are executory contracts that are not recognised under AASB 137 Provisions, Contingent Liabilities and Contingent Assets (i.e. not onerous); but
  • Do not include future appropriations.

Commitments are disclosed per requirements of AASB 117 Leases, AASB 138 Intangible Assets and AASB 116 Property, Plant and Equipment.

  Departmental Administered
  30 June 30 June 30 June 30 June
  2017 2016 2017 2016
  $'000 $'000 $'000 $'000
BY TYPE        
Commitments receivable        
Domestic property portfolio - rent receivable1 983,098 954,950 - -
Subleasing - rent receivable2 11,170 12,587 - -
Net GST recoverable 38,512 46,869 12,730 12,325
Total commitments receivable 1,032,780 1,014,406 12,730 12,325
Commitments payable3        
Capital commitments        
Land and buildings4 40,206 107,539 105 500
Intangible assets development 5,089 10,350 - -
Infrastructure, plant & equipment 1,215 2,661 - 144
Total capital commitments 46,510 120,550 105 644
Other commitments        
Operating leases5 377,122 386,288 140,125 135,168
Finance leases6 7,075 11,433 - -
Net GST payable 89,373 86,814 - -
Total other commitments 473,570 484,535 140,125 135,168
Total commitments payable 520,080 605,085 140,230 135,812
Net commitments by type 512,700 409,321 (127,500) (123,487)
Commitments receivable        
Within 1 year 78,114 81,338 3,271 3,385
Between 1 to 5 years 397,162 365,459 7,725 6,886
More than 5 years 557,504 567,609 1,734 2,054
Total commitments receivable 1,032,780 1,014,406 12,730 12,325
Commitments payable        
Capital commitments        
Within 1 year 38,911 105,387 105 644
Between 1 to 5 years 7,599 15,163 - -
Total capital commitments 46,510 120,550 105 644
Operating lease commitments        
Within 1 year 17,482 21,134 36,059 36,820
Between 1 to 5 years 90,864 102,450 84,988 75,749
More than 5 years 268,776 262,704 19,078 22,599
Total operating lease commitments 377,122 386,288 140,125 135,168
Finance lease commitments        
Within 1 year 3,190 3,267 - -
Between 1 to 5 years 3,885 8,166 - -
Total finance lease commitments 7,075 11,433 - -
Other commitments        
Within 1 year 6,461 6,191 - -
Between 1 to 5 years 34,440 31,334 - -
More than 5 years 48,472 49,289 - -
Total other commitments 89,373 86,814 - -
Total commitments payable 520,080 605,085 140,230 135,812
Net commitments by maturity 512,700 409,321 (127,500) (123,487)


1Domestic property portfolio rent receivable includes rent to be received from the Australian Government’s non-Defence Commonwealth owned property portfolio within Australia.

2Subleasing rent receivable arrangements exist with the Department of Human Services for One Canberra Avenue.

3 Commitments relating to goods and services contracts for current and prior years are not required to be disclosed.

4Land and buildings mainly represent outstanding contractual commitments for construction projects.

5Operating leases mainly comprise office accommodation for Finance business operations (Departmental) and electorate offices for parliamentarians, Commonwealth Parliament Offices and COMCAR depots (Administered).

6Finance leases represent outstanding contractual commitments relating to IT equipment and software.

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