C1 : General insurance activities | Annual Report 2016-17

C : General Business Disclosures

This section includes disclosures for operations which are significant in size and/or nature for Finance. In 2016–17, these areas include general insurance activities, the investment funds and superannuation.

C1 : General insurance activities

Finance provides insurance and risk management services to Australian General Government Sector entities. The classes of business cover include: Liability, Property, Motor Vehicle, and Personal Accident and Travel.

These services are funded from the Comcover Special Account (refer to Note F3.1).

Policy and measurement


Premium revenue

Premium revenue includes amounts charged but excludes GST. Premiums are recognised as revenue over the period insured which is from 1 July to 30 June each year.

Notional reinsurance expense

Finance pays a notional reinsurance charge of $5.0 million to the OPA which is recognised as an expense when paid.

Reinsurance and other recoveries

Reinsurance and other recoveries received or receivable in respect of gross claims paid and movements in reinsurance and other recovery assets are recognised as revenue in the year they occur.

Reinsurance and other recovery assets are actuarially assessed as the present value of the expected future receipts, calculated on the same basis as the outstanding claims liability.

Claims expense and outstanding claims liabilities

Claims expense represents claims payments and the movement in the gross outstanding claims liability.

The outstanding claims liability is actuarially assessed and measured at the central estimate of the present value of expected future payments of claims incurred at the reporting date with an additional risk margin to allow for inherent uncertainty in the central estimate. The expected future payments include those in relation to unpaid reported claims; claims incurred but not reported (IBNR); claims incurred but not enough reported (IBNER); and indirect expenses that are expected to be incurred in settling these claims. Changes in claims estimates are recognised in the surplus/deficit in the year in which the estimates are changed.

Assets backing general insurance liabilities

The balance of the Comcover Special Account and receivables from insurance activities are held to back general insurance liabilities. For further information in relation to the Comcover Special Account refer to Note F3.1.

Key judgements and estimates

Finance takes all reasonable steps to ensure that it has appropriate information regarding its claims exposures. The claim estimates and judgements are regularly evaluated and updated based on historical experience and other factors. However, given the uncertainty in the estimation process, it is likely that the final outcome will prove to be different from the original liability established.

Finance’s activities are classified into two main categories: Property (Property, Motor Vehicle, and Personal Accident and Travel) and Liability. Different actuarial methods and assumptions are applied at a more granular level taking into account the characteristics of the class of business, claim type and the extent of the development of each past accident period.

The estimation of IBNR and IBNER are generally subject to a greater degree of uncertainty where claims notification and settlement may not happen for many years after the event giving rise to the claim. For this reason, Liability classes of business typically display greater variability between the initial estimates and final outcomes.


Key actuarial assumptions

The key actuarial assumptions for the determination of the outstanding claims liabilities are set out in the table below:


30 June 2017

30 June 2016






Average discount rate





Average inflation rate





Average weighted term to settlement (years)





Expense rate





Risk margin





Process used to determine actuarial assumptions


Discount rate

To allow for the time value of money, projected payments are discounted at a risk free rate derived from market yields on Commonwealth Government securities at the reporting date.

Inflation rate

Claims inflation is incorporated into the resulting projected payments to allow for both expected levels of economic inflation and superimposed inflation. Economic inflation is based on economic indicators such as the consumer price index (CPI) and/or increases in average weekly earnings. Superimposed inflation is past claims inflation in excess of wage inflation. A review of past claims reveals no evidence of superimposed inflation.

Average weighted term to settlement

The average weighted term to settlement is based on historic payment patterns.

Expense rate

Claims handling expenses are calculated by reference to Finance’s claims handling remuneration agreements for direct expenses and internal costs for indirect expenses.

Risk Margin

The risk margin is assessed by examining the historical variability of the claims experience, considering industry studies and benchmarks, and applying actuarial judgement, especially in respect of uncertainties not reflected in the claims data. This assessment is performed for each class of business. Diversification benefit is allowed for, with consideration given to industry studies and benchmarks.


Sensitivity analysis

Finance has conducted a sensitivity analysis to quantify the impact of changes in the key underlying assumptions on the surplus/(deficit). The sensitivity analysis has been performed for each variable independently of all other changes and is net of reinsurance and other recoveries. The table below describes how a change in each assumption will affect the surplus/(deficit).

    30 June 2017 30 June 2016
    Property Liability Property Liability
Assumption Movement $'000 $'000 $'000 $'000
Average discount rate 1% 1,607 6,776 1,716 6,635
-1% (1,647) (6,987) (1,788) (7,007)
Average inflation rate 1% (1,627) (6,818) (1,777) (6,750)
-1% 1,618 6,744 1,740 6,528
Average weighted term to settlement (years) + 1 years (291) (4,755) (985) (4,940)
- 1 years 347 4,894 668 5,142
Expense rate 1% 1,071 3,246 1,080 2,352
-1% (1,071) (3,246) (1,080) (2,352)
Risk margin 1% (937) (2,907) (948) (2,028)
-1% 937 2,907 948 2,028

The movements are the absolute movement in the assumption (e.g. +1% increase in the expense rate for Property from 1.8% to 2.8%).

Insurance risk management

Finance is exposed to insurance risk, which is discussed below.

Objectives, policies and processes for managing insurance risk

Finance provides insurance and risk management services to deliver a net benefit to the Australian Government over the longer term. The transfer of insurance risk from participating general government sector entities offers the most comprehensive and cost effective approach to the management of risk exposures. The provision of a captive fund focuses on improving risk identification and management in entities and increases in transparency and accountability to the Australian Government and the public.

Key processes to manage insurance risk include:

  • Detailed risk exposure surveys and benchmarking tools identifying insurable risks;
  • Actuarial modelling of claims history, exposures and industry experience to provide an estimate of expected claims costs for the insured year and to assist in the determination of the annual premium collection;
  • Claim management and investigation processes;
  • Appointment of an independent actuary for valuation services of the outstanding claims liability;
  • WoAG policy development and risk management education to improve risk awareness and capability of fund members; and
  • Governance frameworks within Finance.

Concentration of insurance risk

No reinsurance policies were placed in 2016–17 (2015–16: nil), reflecting the capacity of the Australian Government to cost- effectively self-insure against infrequent large claims.

C1.1 Underwriting result

  30 June 30 June
  2017 2016
  $'000 $'000
Direct premium revenue  
Premium revenue 140,290 125,149
Premium revenue eliminated on consolidation 1,176 1,163
Total direct premium revenue 141,466 126,312
Notional reinsurance expense (5,000) (5,000)
Net premium revenue 136,466 121,312
Net incurred claims  
Insurance claims (163,993) (94,295)
Reinsurance and other recoveries revenue 1,823 1,504
Total net claims (162,170) (92,791)
Other underwriting expenses (9,248) (8,061)
Underwriting result (34,952) 20,460
Revenue from government 9,067 10,151
Operating surplus/(deficit) (25,885) 30,611

C1.2 Net claims incurred

  30 June 2017 30 June 2016
  Current year Prior years Total Current year Prior years Total
  $'000 $'000 $'000 $'000 $'000 $'000
Gross claims incurred
Undiscounted 103,563 59,764 163,327 111,006 (25,830) 85,176
Discount and discount movement (5,658) 2,180 (3,478) (5,071) 10,356 5,285
Gross claims incurred discounted 97,905 61,944 159,849 105,935 (15,474) 90,461
Reinsurance and other recoveries            


(1,380) (1,852) (372) (825) (1,197)
Discount and discount movement 2 27 29 1 (308) (307)
Reinsurance and other recoveries discounted (470) (1,353) (1,823) (371) (1,133) (1,504)
Net claims incurred 97,435 60,591 158,026 105,564 (16,607) 88,957
Claims handling expense     4,144     3,834
Total net claims     162,170     92,791


The $60.6 million increase in prior years net claims incurred is due to valuation increases arising from adverse claims experience in the Liability claims category exceeding favourable claims experience in the Property claims category

C1.3 Reinsurance and other recoveries receivable

  30 June 30 June
  2017 2016
  $'000 $'000
Reinsurance and other recoveries  
Reinsurance and other recoveries 6,368 6,758
Discount to present value (404) (375)
Total reinsurance and other recoveries 5,964 6,383

C1.4 Outstanding claims liability

  30 June 30 June
  2017 2016
  $'000 $'000
Gross claims liability - undiscounted 393,671 301,843
Discount to present value (15,363) (12,136)
Gross claims liability - discounted 378,308 289,707
Claims handling expense 6,062 7,875
Gross central estimate 384,370 297,582
Risk margin 54,293 55,005
Outstanding claims liability 438,663 352,587
Risk margin adopted 14.1% 18.5%
Probability of adequacy of the risk margin 75% 75%

Reconciliation of the movement in discounted outstanding claims liability

  30 June 2017 30 June 2016
  Property Liability Total Total
  $'000 $'000 $'000 $'000
Net outstanding claims liability at the beginning of the financial year 109,650 236,554 346,204 322,824
Incurred claims 35,801 61,634 97,435 105,564
Claims payments (24,224) (47,307) (71,531) (65,577)
Unwinding of discount 1,377 2,832 4,209 4,839
Risk margin release (2,654) (7,718) (10,372) (9,260)
Changes in assumptions and experience (11,280) 78,034 66,754 (12,186)
Net outstanding claims liability at the end of the financial year 108,670 324,029 432,699 346,204
Reinsurance and other recoveries 368 5,596 5,964 6,383
Gross outstanding claims liability at the end of the financial year 109,038 329,625 438,663 352,587

C1.5 Claims development table

The following table shows the development of the estimated undiscounted outstanding claims relative to the ultimate expected claims for the 10 most recent accident years.

  Prior 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Total
  $'000 $'000 $'000 $'000 $'000 $'000 $'000 $'000 $'000 $'000 $'000 $'000
Estimate of net ultimate claims costs                  
At end of accident year   48,840 45,062 50,778 121,801 61,550 66,779 114,162 102,138 91,686 86,286  
One year later   47,451 43,312 48,922 108,067 70,345 63,441 106,114 119,144 87,813    
Two years later   45,204 48,191 47,317 100,453 67,843 65,399 96,653 218,627      
Three years later   48,962 45,043 70,257 91,789 68,396 62,028 89,631        
Four years later   46,215 46,681 65,808 84,123 67,312 58,498          
Five years later   47,361 47,758 65,956 82,395 62,705            
Six years later   45,257 44,336 51,423 80,279              
Seven years later   43,452 44,757 49,163                
Eight years later   42,922 44,909                  
Nine years later   42,661                    
Estimate of net ultimate claims costs   42,661 44,909 49,163 80,279 62,705 58,498 89,631 218,627 87,813 86,286  
Cumulative payments   (42,514) (44,654) (46,878) (76,972) (48,391) (44,963) (49,559) (52,168) (25,589) (9,486)  
Net claims liability - undiscounted 9,004 147 255 2,285 3,307 14,314 13,535 40,072 166,459 62,224 76,800 388,402
Discount to present value (169) (3) (5) (61) (77) (365) (408) (1,731) (3,964) (3,565) (4,680) (15,028)
Net claims liability - discounted 8,835 144 250 2,224 3,230 13,949 13,127 38,341 162,495 58,659 72,120 373,374
Claims handling expense                       6,062
Net central estimate                       379,436
Net risk margin                       53,263
Total net outstanding claims liability                       432,699
Reinsurance and other recoveries                       5,964
Total gross outstanding claims liability                       438,663


The claims development table discloses amounts net of reinsurance and other recoveries to give the most meaningful insight into the impact on surplus/(deficit).

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