Net Zero in Government Operations Annual Progress Report

The Net Zero in Government Operations Annual Progress Report is a public report on emissions from Australian Government operations.

From the 2023-24 reporting period, it also includes progress towards achieving the Australian Public Service Net Zero 2030 target, as outlined in the Net Zero in Government Operations Strategy and updates on the status of the Commonwealth Climate Disclosure initiative, with an initial pilot completed in 2023-24. The pilot was the first stage in the implementation of public reporting on Australian Government entities’ exposure to climate risks and opportunities, as well as their actions to manage them.

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2022-23 Summary

As per the data collated during the 2022-23 emissions reporting period, non-corporate Commonwealth entities (92) and corporate Commonwealth entities (66) emitted an approximate total of 3,286,328 tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent (t CO2-e) (location-based method) emissions in the financial year 2022-23. The single largest source of CO2-e emissions is from electricity consumption.


electricity:42%,natural gas:3%,fleet vehicles: 8%, domestic flights: 6%, other energy – non-Defence: 1%, other energy – Defence: 40%

Figure : Percentage of emissions by activity (2022-23, location-based method)

Data reported in the Annual Progress Report for 2022-23 forms an initial baseline for emissions associated with the following activities:

  • electricity
  • natural gas
  • fleet vehicles
  • domestic flights
  • other energy – non-Defence
  • other energy – Defence.

The initial baseline may change if additional sources are included in the future.

As 2022-23 was the first year of publication, future Annual Progress Reports will be expanded to show progress towards achieving the Australian Public Service Net Zero by 2030 target in a transparent and consistent manner.


To request access to a copy of the 2022-23 or 2023-24 Emissions Reporting Tools, please contact

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