Outcomes and programs | Annual Report 2016-17

Outcomes and programs

Finance’s three outcomes, as outlined in the Portfolio Budget Statements 2016–17, provide a strategic statement about our core role and functions. Table 1 shows our outcome and program structure at 30 June 2017.


Table 1: Department of Finance outcome and program structure, 30 June 2017

Outcome Programs
1: Support sustainable Australian Government finances through providing high quality policy advice and operational support to the government and Commonwealth entities to maintain effective and efficient use of public resources. 1.1: Budget and Financial Management
2: Support an efficient and high-performing public sector through providing leadership to Commonwealth entities in ongoing improvements to public sector governance, including through systems, frameworks, policy, advice and service delivery. 2.1: Public Sector Governance
2.2: Transforming Government
2.3: Property and Construction
2.4: Insurance and Risk Management
2.5: Procurement Services
2.6: Service Delivery Office
2.7: Public Sector Superannuation
2.8: Australian Government Investment Funds
3: Support for parliamentarians and others as required by the Australian Government through the delivery of, and advice on, entitlements and targeted assistance. 3.1: Ministerial and Parliamentary Services


During the reporting year a number of changes affected Finance’s program structure. Table 2 provides details.


Table 2: Department of Finance changes to programs during 2016–17

Program number Program title Description of change
2.2 Transforming Government Amendment to program delivery, performance criteria and targets, following transfer of certain ICT and other functions to the Digital Transformation Agency.
2.6 Service Delivery Office New program established following the transfer of certain ‘shared service’ functions previously undertaken by the Shared Services Centre.
2.7 Public Sector Superannuation PBS program reference amended from 2.6.
2.8 Australian Government Investment Funds PBS program reference amended from 2.7. Amendment to reflect the government’s announcement not to proceed with establishment of the Asset Recycling Fund.

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