Finance executive
Rosemary Huxtable PSM

Our department is led by the Secretary, Rosemary Huxtable, supported by four deputy secretaries who each have responsibility for one business area.
Rosemary Huxtable was appointed Secretary of Finance in February 2017. As Secretary, Rosemary is responsible for all functions and services delivered by the department including supporting the delivery of the Australian Government Budget, overseeing the financial framework of Australian Government agencies, shareholder oversight of government business enterprises, managing the Australian Government's non-Defence domestic property portfolio, key asset sales and aspects of public sector modernisation.
Rosemary joined Finance in June 2013 as Deputy Secretary of Budget and Financial Reporting. Prior to that, Rosemary was a Deputy Secretary in the Department of Health and Ageing and was a key player in significant health reforms, particularly in the areas of Medicare, the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme and hospital financing.
Rosemary has worked extensively in the areas of budget management, health, and community services across both public and private sectors, including working in ministerial offices and managing a private consulting business in Western Australia. Rosemary has more than 25 years experience in Commonwealth administration.
In 2005, Rosemary received a Public Service Medal for her work on the Medicare program.

Deputy Secretary
David Fredericks
David Fredericks was appointed Deputy Secretary Budget and Financial Reporting in February 2017. He had previously been Deputy Secretary Business Enabling Services, responsible for the department’s transformation program, as well as corporate operations and ministerial and parliamentary services. Before moving to Finance, David was a Deputy Secretary at the Attorney-General’s Department for more than four years, first in the Civil Justice and Legal Services Group and then as the Chief Operating Officer.
Budget and Financial Reporting
Budget and Financial Reporting provides policy and financial advice on government expenditure and non-taxation revenue matters to the Minister for Finance, other senior ministers and the Expenditure Review Committee of Cabinet.
Budget and Financial Reporting supports the government in its preparation, delivery and ongoing management of the Budget and assists agencies in meeting their financial management and reporting obligations. It aims to ensure that the analysis, policy advice and costing information provided to government support informed decision making and that economic updates are delivered within required timeframes and meet their legislative requirements.

Deputy Secretary
Stein Helgeby
Stein Helgeby was appointed Deputy Secretary Governance and APS Transformation in October 2015. He joined the department in February 2010 as Deputy Secretary of the former Financial Management Group. Before that, he enjoyed a lengthy period in the Victorian Department of Treasury and Finance, where he was responsible for budget and financial management, long-term policy research, taxation, business tax reform and intergovernmental relations.
Governance and APS Transformation
Governance and APS Transformation develops policy and advises on the resource management and governance frameworks for public sector agencies, accounting policy, the government’s investment funds, and superannuation arrangements for members of parliament and Commonwealth employees. It also advises on and coordinates government information and advertising campaigns.
Additionally, Governance and APS Transformation consolidates budget updates, contributes to preparation of the budget statements, and prepares the Commonwealth’s monthly and annual consolidated financial statements. It also provides policy and program leadership on initiatives aimed at modernising and increasing the public sector’s productivity, including shared and common services for back-office functions and grants administration.

Deputy Secretary
John Edge
John Edge was appointed Deputy Secretary Commercial and Government Services in November 2015. He has extensive experience in leading major asset sales—including the Medibank Private initial public offering—and other commercial projects in the Department of Finance and the former Department of Resources, Energy and Tourism. Among other roles for which John has been responsible are budget preparation and advice in the social welfare sector, parliamentary entitlements advice, and management of corporate services.
Commercial and Government Services
Commercial and Government Services provides advice on the Australian Government’s business enterprises and commercial entities, manages the non-Defence domestic property portfolio, and conducts scoping studies and strategic reviews to assess the optimal ownership and management options for a number of government businesses and assets. It is also responsible for the delivery of whole-of-government ICT services, develops and maintains the government’s procurement policy framework (including initiating and managing a range of whole-of-government contracts), and manages the government’s special claims, insurance and risk management operations.

Deputy Secretary
Kerri Hartland
Kerri Hartland was appointed Deputy Secretary Business Enabling Services in February 2017. She brings extensive experience at senior levels, having worked in seven different Commonwealth departments and agencies. This includes the position of Chief Information Officer at the then Department of Industry, Science and Resources; Deputy Secretary of the Department of Human Services, where she led, among other things, Service Delivery Reform; and most recently Deputy Director-General of the Australian Security Intelligence Organisation.
Business Enabling Services
Business Enabling Services works with the Secretary, the Executive Board and other business groups in the department to enhance, promote and sustain Finance’s role as a trusted and professional adviser to government. It provides corporate services and ICT support and is implementing Finance’s internal transformation program. Business Enabling Services provides a range of services and support to current parliamentarians and their staff and to former senators and members. Through the Service Delivery Office, it also provides services to client entities, as part of the whole-of-government Shared Services Program.