The Digital ID Bill 2024 and Digital ID (Transitional and Consequential Provisions) Bill 2024 passed in the Senate in March and has now passed the House of Representatives.
This is a huge milestone for the program and has been in the works for many years.
This provides certainty for the expansion of the Australian Government Digital ID System and for providers and services to apply to join the Government’s system. An economy-wide Digital ID System will provide many benefits to Australians by improving privacy and security when interacting online.
It will also strengthen the voluntary Accreditation Scheme for Digital ID service providers that wish to demonstrate compliance with best practice privacy, security, proofing and authentication standards, providing Australians with more choice of secure and trusted providers.
The Bills are expected to receive Royal Assent in coming weeks with the Acts expected to commence by November 2024.
From commencement, the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission will be the Digital ID Regulator alongside the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner who will regulate the privacy aspects of Australia’s Digital ID System.
After no more than 2 years, accredited private businesses will be able to apply to join the Australian Government Digital ID System.
You can read more about the Digital ID System at