Hi all,
Finance intends to approach the market in order to continue the operation of the whole-of-government Content Management System, govCMS, through a Request for Proposal (RFP) in January 2018.
Finance entered into arrangements with Acquia Inc. for govCMS in September 2014. This contract expires in September 2018, providing an opportunity to go back to the market with redefined requirements to meet the needs of users in the evolving service.
Since the launch of govCMS in March 2015, 180 websites are live on the platform, 26 websites are in development and 66 agencies have signed up – well above its expected uptake rate.
The RFP will contain these mandatory requirements for participation that service providers must meet in order to respond:
The solution must use Drupal software – multiple versions (Drupal 7 and Drupal 8)
The solution must support common, customised and bespoke codebases
The solution must use public cloud infrastructure, that is, or can be IRAP audited and can be accredited, in accordance with the Australian Signals Directorate’s Information Security Manual, to Unclassified-DLM
There must be a Software as a Service option for Finance to manage and a Platform as a Service option on which agencies will self-manage their sites
Suppliers not already listed on the ASD Certified Cloud Services List (CCSL) must obtain ASD certification for their platform.
Suppliers must accept the “Web Development Services Head Agreement” as written. Specific terms and conditions that arise out of negotiations will be agreed and documented under a specific module attached to the Head Agreement. A copy of the Head Agreement and any draft module will be attached to the RFP when issued
We’re looking for innovative proposals that make use of modern, open source technologies and implement flexible and scalable business models.
Finance anticipates inviting proposals either from suppliers that can meet, themselves or as part of a consortium, all the requirements in the Statement of Requirement. We do not anticipate accepting proposals from entities that only meet certain aspects of the requirements.
As part of consultation on the RFP, I invite feedback on the draft version of the govCMS Statement of Requirements:
Feedback can be provided via this blog or email govCMS@finance.gov.au by close of business Friday,
19 January 2018.
I look forward to your feedback.