12 NOVEMBER 2021
Ministers met today by videoconference to continue strong collaboration on data and digital transformation.
The following Ministers attended the meeting:
- The Hon Stuart Robert MP (Commonwealth)
- The Hon Victor Dominello MP (New South Wales)
- The Hon Leeanne Enoch MP (Queensland)
- The Hon David Pisoni MP (South Australia)
- The Hon Michael Ferguson MP (Tasmania)
- Mr Chris Steel MLA (Australian Capital Territory)
- The Hon Paul Kirby MLA (Northern Territory)
- The Hon Dr David Clark (New Zealand)
The Hon Danny Pearson MP (Victoria) was represented by the Hon Harriet Shing MP (Parliamentary Secretary).
Records of COVID-19 vaccination status and booster vaccinations
Ministers welcomed integration of vaccination status into the Australian Capital Territory’s Check-In CBR app and the Northern Territory’s Territory Check-In app. This follows an excellent public response to app integration by Victoria and New South Wales, which launched last month.
Ministers noted Australians aged 18 and over, who have been fully vaccinated at least six months ago, can now receive a booster shot to gain greater protection against COVID-19. Ministers discussed technical solutions to enable a person to share their booster dose status through their state or territory check-in app when entering a public venue.
National Data Sharing Work Program
Ministers discussed progress on implementing national data sharing priorities and system reforms under the first National Data Sharing Work Program agreed in August 2021. Ministers noted proposed project outcomes include safer roads and better government services for people affected by natural hazards and disasters.
Supporting better emergency management and natural hazards response
Ministers agreed to support National Emergency Management Ministers to implement recommendations of the Royal Commission into National Natural Disaster Arrangements, where data sharing and digital solutions are required. This will build on work Data and Digital Ministers are delivering under the National Data Sharing Work Program and development of an emergency warnings app for citizens.
Person-centred data sharing
Ministers considered learnings from the pilot phase of the National Disability Data Asset, which aims to link and share de-identified data to drive service improvements for people who access disability supports. Ministers will continue to support Disabiilty Reform Ministers as they further consider the National Disability Data Asset following completion of the pilot.
Ministers noted outcomes of the pilot could be useful in other settings such as aged care and Closing the Gap, and endorsed in-principle approaches for new national data assets linking large human services datasets.
Digital identity and digital inclusion
Ministers discussed the economic opportunities and personal benefits enabled by digital identity capability and digital inclusion.
New Zealand is not a party to this communiqué.
Further information including previous meeting outcomes can be found on the Data and Digital Ministers Meeting page.