Abbreviations and acronyms
APS | Australian Public Service |
AC | Companion of the Order of Australia |
ANI | Australian Naval Infrastructure Pty Ltd |
ARTC | Australian Rail Track Corporation |
ASL | average staffing level |
BPORs | Budget Process Operational Rules |
CAS | Central Advertising System |
CO2-e | carbon dioxide equivalent |
CGRGs | Commonwealth Grants Rules and Guidelines |
CSC | Commonwealth Superannuation Corporation |
EL | executive level |
ERC | Expenditure Review Committee |
FBO | Final Budget Outcome |
Finance | Department of Finance |
FTE | full-time equivalent |
HHF | Health and Hospitals Fund |
ICT | information and communications technology |
ICC | Independent Communications Committee |
IPEA | Independent Parliamentary Expenses Authority |
IPP | Indigenous Procurement Policy |
kWh | kilowatt hour |
LGBTI | lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex |
LPG | liquefied petroleum gas |
MJ | milliJoule |
MJ/m2 | milliJoule per square metre. |
M&PS | Ministerial and Parliamentary Services |
MOP(S) Act | Members of Parliament (Staff) Act 1984 |
MRFF | Medical Research Future Fund |
MYEFO | Mid-Year Economic and Fiscal Outlook |
NAIDOC | National Aborigines and Islanders Day Observance Committee |
OECD | Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development |
PBS | Portfolio Budget Statements |
PSM | Public Service Medal |
PGPA Act | Public Governance, Performance and Accountability Act 2013 |
PRODAC | Australian Government Property Data Collection |
SES | Senior Executive Service |
SCS | Shared and Common Services Program |
SDO | Service Delivery Office |
WSA | Western Sydney Airport |
WHS Act | Work Health and Safety Act 2011