Abbreviations and acronyms | Annual Report 2016-17

Abbreviations and acronyms


APS      Australian Public Service
AC       Companion of the Order of Australia
ANI      Australian Naval Infrastructure Pty Ltd
ARTC     Australian Rail Track Corporation
ASL      average staffing level
BPORs    Budget Process Operational Rules
CAS      Central Advertising System
CO2-e    carbon dioxide equivalent
CGRGs    Commonwealth Grants Rules and Guidelines
CSC      Commonwealth Superannuation Corporation
EL       executive level
ERC      Expenditure Review Committee
FBO      Final Budget Outcome
Finance  Department of Finance
FTE      full-time equivalent
HHF      Health and Hospitals Fund
ICT      information and communications technology
ICC      Independent Communications Committee
IPEA     Independent Parliamentary Expenses Authority
IPP      Indigenous Procurement Policy
kWh      kilowatt hour
LGBTI    lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex
LPG      liquefied petroleum gas
MJ       milliJoule
MJ/m2    milliJoule per square metre.
M&PS Ministerial and Parliamentary Services
MOP(S) Act    Members of Parliament (Staff) Act 1984
MRFF     Medical Research Future Fund
MYEFO    Mid-Year Economic and Fiscal Outlook
NAIDOC   National Aborigines and Islanders Day Observance Committee
OECD     Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
PBS      Portfolio Budget Statements
PSM      Public Service Medal
PGPA Act Public Governance, Performance and Accountability Act 2013
PRODAC   Australian Government Property Data Collection
SES      Senior Executive Service
SCS      Shared and Common Services Program
SDO      Service Delivery Office
WSA       Western Sydney Airport
WHS Act  Work Health and Safety Act 2011


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