© Commonwealth of Australia 2017
ISSN: 2203-8558 (print)
ISSN: 2203-8566 (online)

© Department of Finance
This content is only accurate as at the date of printing or download. Refer to Home | Department of Finance to ensure you are viewing the latest version.
© Commonwealth of Australia 2017
ISSN: 2203-8558 (print)
ISSN: 2203-8566 (online)
With the exception of the Commonwealth Coat of Arms, all material presented in this document is provided under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Australia www.creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/au license.
To the extent that copyright subsists in a third party, permission will be required from the third party to reuse the material.
The document must be attributed as the Department of Finance Annual Report 2016–17.
Provided you have not modified or transformed the material in any way (including, for example, by changing the text, calculating percentage changes, graphing or charting data, or deriving new statistics from published statistics), the Department of Finance prefers the following attribution:
Source: The Australian Government Department of Finance
The terms under which the Coat of Arms can be used are set out on the It’s an Honour website (www.dpmc.gov.au/government/its-honour).
Further information about Finance and an online version of this report are available on the Finance website (www.finance.gov.au).
For the annual report, follow the links publications and reports > corporate documents > annual reports > 2016–17.
Finance welcomes comments on this report. If you have feedback and enquiries about any aspect of the report or any questions about the license or any other use of this document, please contact Carolyn Driessen, Assistant Secretary, Parliamentary and Coordination Branch, on (02) 6215 2222.
Coordinators: Janet Lever and Kay Coombe
Design and typesetting: Belinda Seaman and Jade Power
Web design: Meng Chua
Editing and indexing: Wilton Hanford Hanover
Printing: CanPrint Communications
Special thanks go to staff involved in contributing, coordinating and clearing material.