Finance Secretary Direction - 21 August 2022

The Finance Secretary Direction on the Requirements for Performance Information in Portfolio Budget Statements was issued on 21 August 2022.

This Direction replaces the version dated 8 December 2021.

The requirements

The Direction requires that entities must do the following in their Portfolio Budget Statements (PBS):

1. Map outcomes, programs and performance measures to the entity's key activities as expressed in the current corporate plan.

2. Existing programs

For the budget year and the three forward estimate years, report at least one high level performance measure and planned performance results, including targets where it is reasonably practicable to set a target.

Where applicable, report the estimated date of achievement of the program objectives.

3. New or materially changed programs

For the budget year and the three forward estimate years, report all performance measures and planned performance results, including targets where it is reasonably practicable to set a target.

Where applicable, report the estimated date of achievement of the program objectives.

4. Expected performance results for the current year

Report expected performance results for the program for the current financial year.

5. Linked programs

For each outcome, report the programs of other entities that link to that outcome.

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