Entities must publish their corporate plan on their website by the last day of the second month of the reporting period for which the plan is prepared. For most entities, this is 31 August each year.

Giving Corporate Plans to the Responsible Minister and the Finance Minister
Accountable authorities are required to give a copy of the corporate plan to the responsible Minister and the Finance Minister as soon as practicable after it is prepared and before it is published on the entity’s website.
There is no legal requirement under the PGPA Act or Rule for the responsible Minister to clear or approve entity corporate plans. Entities should follow any arrangements that they have agreed with the relevant Minister’s office on finalising and publishing their corporate plans.
A copy of the entity's corporate plan must be given to the responsible Minister and the Finance Minister as soon as practicable after it is prepared and before it is published on the entity's website. To meet the requirement to give the corporate plan to the Finance Minister, a copy of your corporate plan should be sent to the Department of Finance at PGPA@finance.gov.au. Entities do not need to send a copy of the corporate plan to the Office of the Finance Minister directly.
The Department of Finance is responsible for publishing the entity’s corporate plan on the Transparency Portal after the plan has been sent to PGPA@finance.gov.au and the plan has been published on the entity’s website.