Regulatory Reform engaging with industry


The annual event Accord titled Canberra Day 2024: Bringing together industry and government was held last month.

Assistant Secretary Kelly Wood, a delegate on the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) and Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) forums internationally, presented to the industry leader group on the work that the Regulatory Reform Division at the Department of Finance has done, is doing and planning. 

Kelly discussed the connection between Regulatory Reform and the work of Finance and the importance of engaging early with the department to ensure the central agency position views the whole regulatory landscape. Key to the discussion was highlighting the recently published Regulatory Policy, Practice & Performance Framework

Active engagement with industry remains key to navigating complex regulatory balancing acts and industry appreciates our active engagement. 

While the work in Regulatory Reform is never truly complete, Finance can help facilitate collaboration among regulators to create the best possible and most useful regulatory changes that focus on the Australian people and support ongoing industry markets.

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