The Commonwealth Climate Disclosure Pilot Guidance aims to assist federal government entities participating in the Australian Government’s first public sector climate disclosure trial. Departments of State will participate in the trial, while all other Commonwealth entities can voluntarily opt in.
What is climate disclosure?
Climate disclosures involve entities publicly reporting on their exposure to climate risks and opportunities, as well as their actions to manage them. Commonwealth Climate Disclosure is the Australian Government’s policy for ensuring the climate risks and opportunities of Commonwealth entities are transparently reported and managed.
How does it fit with the APS Net Zero by 2030 target and associated emissions reporting?
Commonwealth Climate Disclosure ensures that federal government entities are evaluating and managing their climate risks regularly, enabling them to be more prepared for, and responsive to, the changing climate. Climate risk management includes reporting and reducing emissions, supporting the APS Net Zero by 2030 target and Australia’s emissions reduction targets under the Paris Agreement.
Further information
More information on the Commonwealth Climate Disclosure Policy and Pilot is available on the Climate Action in Government Operations webpage, or email ClimateAction@finance.gov.au.