Commercial Group

Deputy Secretary: Richard Windeyer
Phone: 02 6215 3463

Commercial provides advice on the Australian Government's Government Business Enterprises (GBEs) and commercial entities, manages the domestic non-Defence property portfolio and undertakes the review and reform of such assets including divestment, where relevant. It also develops and maintains the Australian Government's procurement policy framework (including the initiation and management of a range of whole of government contracts), and manages the Australian government's special claims, insurance and risk management operations.

Richard Windeyer
Deputy Secretary

Commercial Investments

First Assistant Secretary : David Webster
Phone: 02 6215 2693

Commercial Investments Division provides policy and commercial advice and services in relation to significant investments by the Commonwealth, including major infrastructure investment programs, as well as managing the Commonwealth’s multibillion dollar shareholding in its Government Business Enterprises. The work of the Division includes:

  • Commercial investment and governance policy development and advice.
  • Managing major infrastructure investment programs totalling $76 billion across the transport, energy, communications and defence sectors.
  • Complex commercial negotiations including merger & acquisition (M&A) transactions, funding and financing arrangements, major procurements and asset sales.
  • Shareholder oversight for ASC Pty Ltd, Australian Naval Infrastructure Pty Ltd, Defence Housing Australia, CEA Technologies Pty Ltd, Australian Postal Corporation, NBN Co Limited, Snowy Hydro Limited, Marinus Link Pty Ltd, Australian Rail Track Corporation Limited, Moorebank Intermodal Company Limited and WSA Co Limited.
  • Providing advice on policy, legislative and governance matters relating to Australian Government Investment Funds and Specialist Investment Vehicles.


Commercial Policy and Advice

Assistant Secretary: Cameron Jose
Phone: 02 6215 3142

Commercial Policy and Advice Branch (CPAB) is responsible for the Commonwealth Investment Framework (the Framework) and provides advice on commercial investments. The purpose of the Framework is to assist departments and agencies to develop and deliver non-grant investments to support the Government’s policy agenda.

Communications and Energy Investments

Assistant Secretary: Amy Parry
Phone: 02 6215 2558

Communications and Energy Investments Branch (CEIB) has responsibility for the shareholder oversight of Government Business Enterprises (GBEs) in the Communications and Energy sectors: the Australian Postal Corporation (Australia Post), NBN Co Limited and Snowy Hydro Limited. CEIB also provides Commonwealth shareholder oversight for Marinus Link Pty Ltd. CEIB also advises Government on investments and the delivery of major projects in these sectors, such as Snowy 2.0 and the rollout of the National Broadband Network.

Defence Investments

Assistant Secretary: Sacha De Re
Phone: 02 6215 2643

Defence Investments Branch (DIB) provides support to the Minister for Finance as Shareholder for the Government Business Enterprises (GBEs) associated with the Defence portfolio. These GBEs are ASC Pty Ltd (ASC) – as the sole shareholder; Australian Naval Infrastructure Pty Ltd (ANI) – as a joint shareholder with the Minister for Defence; and Defence Housing Australia (DHA) – as a joint shareholder with the Minister for Defence Personnel. The Minister also jointly manages the Commonwealth’s minority shareholding in CEA Technologies Pty Ltd.

DIB also advises Government on the delivery and implementation of the Nuclear-Powered Submarine program; naval shipbuilding infrastructure projects ANI is delivering at Osborne, South Australia; and implementation and progress of the Government’s Naval Shipbuilding Plan.

Specialist Investment Vehicles, Funds and Governance

Assistant Secretary: Fotos Andreou
Phone: 02 6215 2636

The Specialist Investment Vehicles (SIVs), Funds and Governance Branch is responsible for providing advice on policy, legislative and governance matters relating to Australian Government Investment Funds and SIVs, including advice on board and CEO appointments and investment mandates.

As part of Finance’s oversight role, it provides guidance to promote best practice administration for all SIVs and assesses aggregate risks.

The Branch is also responsible for and develops policy and contributes internationally on OECD & DFAT State Owned Enterprise programmes and provides advice on Government Business Enterprises including governance and legislative matters, and board appointments across the Finance portfolio. The Branch is also responsible for managing all training and development for the Commercial Investments Division and manages Legal & Governance training for the Branch.

Transport Investments

Assistant Secretary: Troy Kelly
Phone: 02 6215 1594

Transport Investments Branch (TIB) manages the Commonwealth’s commercial investments in the transport infrastructure sector. TIB provides shareholder oversight for Government Business Enterprises (GBEs) including the Australian Rail Track Corporation (ARTC), Moorebank Intermodal Company, and WSA Co limited.

TIB also advises Government on the delivery of major projects being delivered by these GBEs, such as Inland Rail, the Moorebank and Beveridge Intermodal Precincts and Western Sydney Airport.

Property and Construction

First Assistant Secretary: Nick McClintock
Phone: 02 6215 2896

Property and Construction is responsible for:

  • Providing advice and support to the Government and officials in relation to the Commonwealth Property Management Framework, the Lands Acquisition Act 1989, the Public Works Committee Act 1969 and the Commonwealth Property Disposal Policy.
  • Leading the Government's commitment for net zero greenhouse gas emissions from the Australian Public Service by 2030. 
  • Supporting the Government's agenda to efficiently deliver and manage publicly funded services and assets, including rationalising surplus office leases and coordinated procurement arrangements for property services.
  • Leading, in partnership with relevant agencies, key strategic capital works projects.
  • Ensuring that Finance-owned property portfolio is efficiently and effectively managed and supports Government policy, including acquisition and divestment of real property, whole of life asset management and land remediation.

Climate Action and Property Data

Assistant Secretary: Matt Whitfort
Phone: 02 6215 3373

The Branch is responsible for leading the APS Net Zero by 2030 commitment, reinstating greenhouse gas emissions reporting for Australian Government operations, and introducing climate disclosure requirements for all Commonwealth entities and companies. Further information is available on the Finance website. You can contact the team at

The Branch is also responsible for management, analysis and reporting on Commonwealth property data. This includes administration of the Australian Government Property Register and publication of the Australian Government Office Occupancy Report. You can contact the team at

National Security Office Precinct Project

Assistant Secretary:

The National Security Office Precinct Project is responsible for the planning and delivery of the National Security Office Precinct at York Park in Barton, ACT. The Precinct will provide a permanent solution to the critical accommodation and capability requirements of several national security and other Commonwealth agencies.

As an enabling project to the Precinct's development, a multi-level car park is under construction adjacent to the John Gorton Building in Parkes, ACT (referred to as the John Gorton Campus Car Park).

Further information on the project is available on the Finance website, general enquiries on the Project should be directed to

Property Frameworks and Services

Assistant Secretary: Suzanne Hinchcliffe
Phone: 02 6215 1531

The Property Frameworks and Services Branch is responsible for policy, guidance and advice on whole-of-government property policy and legislation. This includes the Commonwealth Property Management Framework (RMG 500), the Lands Acquisition Framework (RMG 501), Commonwealth Property Disposal Policy, and the Lands Acquisition Act 1989 and Public Works Committee Act 1969.

The Branch administers relevant matters under the Australian Capital Territory (Planning and Land Management) Act 1988  relating to National Land and Crown leasing, and sections 69 and 70 of the Northern Territory (Self Government) Act 1978  relating to Commonwealth land in the Northern Territory.

The Branch also manages the Whole-of-Government Property Services Coordinated Procurement (PSCP) Arrangements that cover leasing and facilities management services for Commonwealth domestic office accommodation and shopfronts.

The Arrangements are designed to improve the efficiency of property services across the Commonwealth and maximise value for money by consolidating the Commonwealth's purchasing power.

There are two parts to the PSCP Arrangements:

  • a Strategic Property Adviser to develop and maintain a Whole-of-Australian-Government Leasing Strategy; and
  • Property Service Providers to deliver leasing and facilities management services to participating entities.

Property Management & Projects

Assistant Secretary: Elliot Zwangobani
Phone: 02 6215 2399

The Branch is responsible for whole of life property asset management and related advice to Australian Government agencies. Whole of life property asset management involves:

  • asset creation through land acquisition as well as project planning and delivery as requested by Government;
  • ongoing management of the Finance owned estate, and implementation of conservation strategies;
  • asset end-of-life strategies and disposals.

Finance's property portfolio is diverse, including the Commonwealth law courts and various special purpose properties such as the Ben Chifley Building, Australia's Post-entry Quarantine Facility, the Royal Australian Mint building, the Treasury Building, John Gorton Building and the Centres for National Resilience. Finance is assisted by its Property Service Provider to ensure strategic and effective ongoing management and maintenance of the Finance owned estate.

The Branch is also responsible for major capital works planning, undertaking remediation projects on behalf of the Commonwealth and divestment of property in accordance with the Commonwealth Property Disposal Policy.

The Branch also manages and reports on the Property Special Account.


First Assistant Secretary : Andrew Danks
Phone: 02 6215 3996

Procurement Division is responsible for:

  • providing advice and guidance to the Government on the procurement policy framework
  • managing AusTender, the Government's centralised procurement information and e-tendering system
  • coordinated procurement contracting arrangements for whole of government procurement including travel, motor vehicle leasing, advertising and stationery and office supplies
  • supporting the delivery of the Government’s Buy Australian Plan.

Procurement Capability

Assistant Secretary: Sabrena King
Phone: 02 6215 2177

The Procurement Capability Branch supports the delivery of the Buy Australian Plan and actively supports local industry take advantage of government purchasing opportunities. The Branch is also responsible for the Centre of Procurement Excellence. The Branch: 

  • coordinates implementation of the Buy Australian Plan across the Australian Public Service 
  • strengthens engagement with states and territories to deliver economic, social and environmental benefits to regions, industry sectors and communities 
  • builds the procurement and contracting capabilities of the Australian Public Service, and 
  • engages directly with businesses and industry sectors to help lift their competitive capabilities. 

Further information on the Buy Australian Plan is available on the Finance website. If you would like to contact the Branch, please email

Procurement Policy and Systems

Assistant Secretary: Gareth Sebar
Phone: 02 6215 3516

The Procurement Policy and Systems Branch is responsible for procurement policy development, providing advice to the Government on the procurement policy framework and developing supporting guidance for Commonwealth entities. The Branch also provides technical advice to support international trade negotiations and/or obligations on government procurement.

To simplify procurement for both suppliers and Commonwealth government entities, the branch develops and maintains Whole of Government contracting and grants systems, tools and templates, including AusTender, Dynamic Sourcing for Panels (DS4P), GrantConnect and the Commonwealth Contracting Suite.

Strategic Contracting

Assistant Secretary: Rob Bradley
Phone: 02 6215 3677

The Strategic Contracting Branch is responsible for managing and administering non-ICT Whole of Australian Government (WoAG) panel arrangements for a variety of goods and services. These arrangements deliver savings and efficiencies to agencies and reduce the cost of tendering for both entities and industry. The WoAG arrangements managed by the branch are:

Strategic Procurement

Assistant Secretary: Anush Avakian
Phone: 02 6215 1595

The Strategic Procurement Branch (SPB) is responsible for the procurement, refresh and/or retender of non-ICT Whole of Australian Government coordinated procurement arrangements. These arrangements are established for commonly used goods or services by the Commonwealth and include: 

  • Automotive Leasing and Fleet Management Services
  • Government Communications Campaign
  • Management Advisory Services (MAS) 
  • Master Media Agency (MMA) Services
  • People Panel
  • Property Services
  • Stationery and Office Supplies

SPB collaborates closely with entities and industry to deliver competitive, fit for purpose and value for money procurement outcomes for the Commonwealth.

Regulatory Reform

A/g First Assistant Secretary: Jordan Hatch
Phone: 02 6215 3533

APS Regulatory Reform

Assistant Secretary: Kelly Wood
Phone: 02 6215 2753

Regulatory Technology and Innovation

A/g Assistant Secretary: Angela Clark
Phone: 02 6215 1529

Risk, Insurance and Discretionary Payments

First Assistant Secretary: Rachel Antone
Phone: 02 6215 3382

Comcover and Discretionary Payment Claims

Assistant Secretary: Meagan Wilson
Phone: 02 6215 3160

Risk and Insurance

Assistant Secretary: Grant Stevens
Phone: 02 6215 3825