25 OCTOBER 2021
Ministers met today by videoconference to continue strong collaboration on data and digital transformation.
The following Ministers attended the meeting:
- The Hon Stuart Robert MP (Commonwealth)
- The Hon Victor Dominello MP (New South Wales)
- The Hon Leeanne Enoch MP (Queensland)
- The Hon Don Punch MLA (Western Australia)
- Mr Chris Steel MLA (Australian Capital Territory)
- The Hon Paul Kirby MLA (Northern Territory)
Record of COVID-19 vaccination status
Ministers discussed progress on integrating a person’s record of COVID-19 vaccination status into state and territory check-in apps. Ministers noted integration into the Service Victoria app and Service NSW app in early October, with other jurisdictions on track to roll out the service.
The ability to verify the vaccination status of Australians supports delivering the National Plan to Transition Australia’s COVID-19 Response, as Australia reaches vaccination rate targets and restrictions ease.
Ministers also discussed the development of a digital solution to allow multiple individuals to easily share their vaccination status, such as a parent using their mobile device to confirm the vaccination status of accompanying children when checking in to a venue, where required.
Ministers noted the Australian Immunisation Register now records medical contraindications to vaccines approved by the Therapeutic Goods Administration. People who cannot be vaccinated with an approved vaccine for medical reasons will be able to generate a COVID-19 digital certificate for use during check-ins, once an eligible medical practitioner has recorded the contraindication in the Australian Immunisation Register.
Home quarantine technical support
Ministers discussed progress on home quarantine trials for returned interstate travellers and international travellers. The Commonwealth is continuing to assist scaling up South Australia’s home quarantine solution for use by other jurisdictions.
New Zealand is not a party to this communiqué.
Further information including previous meeting outcomes can be found on the Data and Digital Ministers Meeting page.