E : Our People
This section describes the employment and post-employment benefits provided to Finance employees engaged under the Department of Finance Enterprise Agreement 2015-2018 and Public Service Act 1999.
As part of its Administered operations, Finance facilitates payment of salary and related benefits to staff employed by current and former Members of Parliament under the Members of Parliament (Staff) Act 1984 (MOP(S) Act) as well as payment of post-employment benefits for former Parliamentarians and Prime Ministers under relevant legislation.
Superannuation payments made to former Commonwealth employees which are also administered by Finance on behalf of the Government are not included in the tables below. These are disclosed in Note C3.
In the following note disclosures, Departmental and Administered items are included together for presentation purposes only and these balances should not be compared.
E3 : Key management personnel remuneration
Key management personnel (KMP) are those persons having authority and responsibility for planning, directing and controlling the activities of Finance. Finance has determined the KMP to be the Finance Minister, the Special Minister of State and the members of the Finance Executive Board which includes the Secretary, Deputy Secretaries, Chief Financial Officer and the First Assistant Secretaries of the Corporate Services and Information Technology and Workplace divisions. KMP remuneration is reported in the table below.
Departmental | |
30 June | |
2017 | |
$ | |
Short-term employee benefits | |
Salary | 2,392,122 |
Executive vehicle scheme | 197,523 |
Other benefits | 7,520 |
Total short-term employee benefits | 2,597,165 |
Post-employment benefits | |
Superannuation | 427,551 |
Total post-employment benefits | 427,551 |
Other long-term benefits | |
Annual leave | 266,823 |
Long service leave | 225,281 |
Total other long-term benefits | 492,104 |
Total termination benefits | - |
Total key management personnel remuneration1 | 3,516,820 |
Number of key management personnel included in the table above2 | 10 |
1The above KMP remuneration excludes the remuneration and other benefits of the Finance Minister and the Special Minister of State whose remuneration and other benefits are set by the Remuneration Tribunal and are not paid by Finance.
2This number includes staff who have been engaged by Finance for part of the year and therefore more than one individual may have filled a single position over the course of the year.