D3 : Non-financial assets | Annual Report 2016-17

D : Operating Resources

This section provides further information about major assets and liabilities held or administered by Finance, significant estimates and judgements made and the management of risk in relation to these items.

D3 : Non-financial assets

Policy and measurement

Non-financial assets (excluding assets held for sale) are not expected to be sold or realised within the next 12 months.

Finance's asset recognition threshold is $5,000; all purchases under this threshold are expensed in the year of acquisition, other than when they form part of a group of similar items which are significant in total in which case they are recognised on a group basis.

Finance has a number of asset classes. The recognition and measurement policy for each is included below:

Asset class (includes work in progress) Initial Recognition Subsequent Recognition Revaluation Frequency Fair value measured at
Land At cost. Fair value. Assessed annually by management to determine whether it is likely that the carrying amount is materially different from fair value. If likely, revaluations are conducted by independent valuers and revaluation adjustments are made on a class basis. Market selling price.
Buildings Market selling price, discounted cash flows or depreciated replacement cost.
Leasehold improvements Depreciated replacement cost.
Infrastructure, plant and equipment Market selling price or depreciated replacement cost.
Investment property At cost, except where acquired at nominal cost, then fair value. Fair value. Annually. Market selling price or discounted cash flows.
Intangibles (including internally developed and externally acquired software) At cost. Cost less accumulated amortisation and accumulated impairment losses. N/A N/A

Revaluation adjustments - Property, infrastructure, plant and equipment

The ARR is an equity account held at asset class level. The ARR cannot be negative, therefore when the values of assets reduce due to revaluation, the amount in excess of the ARR for that class of asset is posted directly to the surplus/(deficit). Similarly, an increase can only be recognised in the reserve once the previous decreases recognised in the surplus/(deficit) have been reversed to surplus/(deficit).

Revaluation adjustments - investment property

Gains or losses arising from changes in the fair value are recognised in the surplus/(deficit) in the year in which they arise.

Obligations relating to non-financial assets

Obligations relating to the dismantling, removal, remediation, restoration (also referred to as ‘make good’) and other expenditure associated with Finance's non-financial assets are included in the asset measurement when the recognition requirements for a provision are met. Details of provisions are disclosed in Note D4.


Depreciable assets are written down to their estimated residual values over their estimated useful lives to Finance using the straight line method of depreciation. Depreciation rates are based on the following useful lives:


Asset class 2017 & 2016 (no change)  
Buildings on freehold land 3 to 100 years This policy is reviewed at each reporting date. If a change is deemed necessary, these are made in the current and future reporting periods as appropriate.
Leasehold improvements Lesser of useful life or lease term
Intangibles 3 to 7 years
Infrastructure, plant and equipment 1 to 45 years  

Assets held for sale

Assets held for sale includes properties that have been fully prepared for sale, are being actively marketed at fair value and are likely to settle within the next 12 months. Also included are properties that are currently under offer or contract (contract issued or exchanged but not yet settled) as at the end of the reporting period.

D3.1 Property, infrastructure, plant and equipment and intangibles

Further information

Domestic property portfolio

Finance is responsible for the management of the Australian Government´s domestic non-defence property portfolio and the construction and delivery of domestic non-defence major capital works projects as directed by the government. The government’s non-defence domestic property portfolio currently has approximately 100 Commonwealth-owned properties across Australia. These include office buildings, law courts, special purpose facilities, heritage assets, vacant land and contaminated sites that have been classified as either investment properties, land, buildings, or assets held for sale.

Other assets

Other assets held by Finance include leasehold improvements, office equipment and information technology assets required to support the delivery of Finance outcomes and Finance lease assets in relation to the electronic work environment.


  Leasehold improvements Infrastructure Plant and equipment Intangible assets Total
  $’000 $’000 $’000 $’000 $’000
As at 1 July 2016          
Gross book value 52,628 67,374 17,468 3,182 140,652
Accumulated depreciation, amortisation and impairment (34,168) - (9,213) (1,665) (45,046)
Opening balance as at 1 July 2016 18,460 67,374 8,255 1,517 95,606
By purchase 5,756 1,352 1,405 57 8,570
Items recognised in equity          
Revaluations 8,672 3,341 (1,880) - 10,133
Items recognised in the surplus/(deficit)          
Depreciation/amortisation expense (6,575) (2,070) (2,817) (503) (11,965)
Write-offs (1,424) - (791) - (2,215)
Other disposals - - (15) - (15)
Closing balance as at 30 June 2017 24,889 69,997 4,157 1,071 100,114
Total as at 30 June 2017 represented by          
Gross Book Value          
Fair value (gross) 25,011 69,997 2,271 - 97,279
Internally developed software - - - 165 165
Purchased software - - - 72 72
Work in progress - at fair value - - 1,886 - 1,886
Work in progress - at cost - - - 3,002 3,002
Accumulated depreciation, amortisation          
and impairment (122) - - (2,168) (2,290)
Total as at 30 June 2017 24,889 69,997 4,157 1,071 100,114

Further information

Administered non-financial assets include the Intra Government Communication Network (ICON), leasehold improvements and IT assets for electoral and state offices, and other information technology assets to support Administered outcomes.

D3.2 Fair value information by non-financial asset class

Key judgements and estimates

Valuation of land, buildings and investment properties

Independent valuations are obtained annually as at 30 June for land, buildings and investment properties. These valuations include calculations of estimated market cash flows which are adjusted to take into account physical, economic and external factors relevant to the asset under consideration. In relation to investment properties, allowances have been factored in for average vacancy periods and costs of establishing a new tenant, as leases become due for renewal and properties become vacant.

Valuation of leasehold improvements, plant and equipment

The estimated cost to replace the asset has been calculated and then adjusted to take into account obsolescence and physical deterioration (accumulated depreciation). The obsolescence has been determined based on professional judgement regarding physical, economic and external factors relevant to the asset under consideration. Leasehold improvements for One Canberra Avenue were valued on acquisition in 2016. An independent valuation in relation to all other leasehold improvements and plant and equipment was undertaken as at 30 June 2017.

Valuation of infrastructure

Finance manages a secure fibre network within the Australian Capital Territory known as the ICON. Replacement cost has been established based on contemporary technology and construction approaches. Significant judgement concerning the nature of the physical environment has been made to establish the adopted replacement cost. An independent valuation was undertaken as at 30 June 2017.

Highest and best use

Within the property portfolio, there are a small number of properties where the highest and best use differs from the current use, being:

  • 7 vacant blocks which have a highest and best use of 'office buildings';
  • 1 vacant block which has a highest and best use of 'rural residential';
  • 1 property with an unusable building which has a highest and best use of 'community use'; and
  • 1 property with an unusable building which has a highest and best use of ‘conservation’.

While the fair values for these properties has been measured in the financial statements using the highest and best use for each, they are not being utilised at their highest and best use as Finance is not in the business of development.

The following tables set out (by asset class) the valuation technique, inputs used, and the level of the fair value hierarchy per AASB 13 Fair Value Measurement.

Finance only holds non-financial assets that fall into the following two categories (or levels) of the fair value hierarchy:

  • Level 2: observable inputs (other than quoted prices in active markets) are used to calculate the fair value of the asset; and
  • Level 3: inputs used to calculate the fair value are not observable.
Technique / inputs used / level Land Buildings Leasehold improvements Investment property Plant and equipment Assets held for sale Total
  $’000 $’000 $’000 $’000 $’000 $’000 $’000
Market Approach / AMT / 2 174,997 6,105 - 63,590 13,490 4,317 262,499
Cost Approach / RCN; CEB / 3 - - 26,740 - 17,377 - 44,117
Cost Approach / RCN / 2 - 284,706 - - - - 284,706
Income Approach / AMT / 2 212,644 298,200 - 784,113 - - 1,294,957
Total assets at fair value 30 June 2017 387,641 589,011 26,740 847,703 30,867 4,317 1,886,279
Market Approach / AMT / 2 183,144 6,257 - 63,737 13,069 12,137 278,344
Cost Approach / RCN; CEB / 3 - - 29,159 - 15,604 - 44,763
Cost Approach / RCN / 2 - 220,429 - - - - 220,429
Income Approach / AMT / 2 230,154 411,000 - 562,700 - - 1,203,854
Total assets at fair value 30 June 2016 413,298 637,686 29,159 626,437 28,673 12,137 1,747,390


Technique / inputs used / level Leasehold improvements Infrastructure Plant and equipment Total
  $’000 $’000 $’000 $’000
Cost Approach / RCN;CEB / 3 24,889 69,997 - 94,886
Market Approach / AMT / 2 - - 2,575 2,575
Cost Approach / AMT;CEB / 3 - - 1,582 1,582
Total assets at fair value 30 June 2017 24,889 69,997 4,157 99,043
Cost Approach / RCN;CEB / 3 18,460 67,374 - 85,834
Market Approach / AMT / 2 - - 6,598 6,598
Cost Approach / AMT;CEB / 3 - - 1,657 1,657
Total assets at fair value 30 June 2016 18,460 67,374 8,255 94,089

Inputs used

Replacement Cost of New Assets (RCN): the amount a market participant would pay to acquire or construct a new substitute asset of comparable utility.

Consumed Economic Benefits (CEB): obsolescence of assets, physical deterioration, functional or technical obsolescence and conditions of the economic environment specific to the asset.

Adjusted Market Transactions (AMT): market transactions of comparable assets, adjusted to reflect differences in price sensitive characteristics.

Recurring level 3 fair value measurements reconciliation

The recurring level 3 fair value measurements reconciliation is not materially different to the property, infrastructure, plant and equipment and intangibles movement table for both Departmental and Administered, refer to Note D3.1.

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