ICON Fault Advice

Please read before submitting

  1. In the first instance, check carefully to ensure that the fault does not lie with your entity (see check list below).
  2. In the course of investigating any reported fault, the attending ICON technician/s will determine the source of the fault - either within the ICON Network (a fibre fault or a fault within ICON supplied circulators) or within the relevant entity (and owner of the link).

Note: Submission of this form confirms that the appropriate delegate has been advised that if the fault is not within the ICON network, the entity must accept responsibility for the fault and consequent liability for the call-out fee of the attending technician along with any cost associated with fixing the problem (minimum call-out charge is $500 ex GST).

Important: ICON Inbox is only monitored during business hours (7:30am to 5:00pm) excluding weekends and public holidays.
Phone is monitored 24/7, 365 days per year.
Please call 02 6215 1800 to log ICON faults after-hours.
Date/Time Service Lost
Date/Time Service Lost
Loss of Service date
Loss of Service time
1. The Optical Time-domain Reflectometer Test Results (if available): 
Has the physical patching and logical interface been checked at both ends?
2. Has the physical patching and logical interface been checked at both ends?
Is part packet loss being experienced?
3. Is part packet loss being experienced?
Is the fault intermittent?
4. Is the fault intermittent?
Interfaces must be administratively shut or physically disconnected from both ends of the faulty link(s)
5. Interfaces must be administratively shut or physically disconnected from both ends of the faulty link(s) prior to ICON testing the link(s) to determine the issue and implementing the repair process.
6. Any additional Information that ICON should be made aware of: