Where Government has not specified a completion date for the MoG change
Start planning as early as possible, for example:
- Establish steering committee
- Prepare for an immediate and thorough due diligence exercise.
Government advises PM&C of MoG changes.
Governor-General makes/amends AAO.
For large MoG changes, Finance establishes Taskforce with representatives from APSC and PM&C.
Taskforce convenes first meeting with CFOs (and relevant officers) covering:
- Principles for MoG implementation
- Operational protocols
- Scope of MoG changes (PM&C)
- Key dates
- Key contacts
- Information on people matters (APSC)
Entities implement First 72 Hours for Entities - Tasks List, for example:
- Confirm scope of functions transferring
- Establish lead contacts/steering committee
- Delegation of powers
- Review outcome statements etc.
- Responsibility for the performance and delivery of functions transfers to the receiving entity
- Transfer of special appropriations
- Transfer of special accounts
- Responsibility for revenues and expenses collected or incurred under specific legislation transfers
- Annual appropriations can be transferred to receiving entity (if required and organised with Finance prior to this date)
- Delegation of powers can be made to take effect (if required).
Key activities to be completed during the 13-week period (see also Common Tasks Tool, available under Tools and Templates in the right-hand menu).
For example:
Section 72 determinations to move employees under the PS Act:
- APSC makes section 72 determinations under PS Act the day before employees move
- Agreed employee lists provided 1 week prior.
Section 75 determinations to transfer annual appropriations between NCEs under the PGPA Act:
- CFOs to agree on amounts to transfer and provide CFO sign-off to Finance (minimum 2 weeks prior or as advised)
- Transfer may be made in tranches, with the first determination typically made to commence on the MoG change date of effect.