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Governance and Resource Management
Deputy Secretary: Nathan Williamson
Phone: 02 6215 2668
Within the Governance and Resource Management (G&RM) Group, there are four Divisions:
- Financial Analysis, Reporting and Management
- Government and Defence
- Governance and Grants
- Digital ID and Data Policy.
The Office of the National Data Commissioner also sits within the Governance and Resource Management Group within the Department of Finance.
G&RM develops policy and advises on the resource management and governance frameworks for public sector agencies and superannuation arrangements for members of parliament and Commonwealth employees.
The group consolidates budget updates, prepares the appropriation bills and the Commonwealth’s monthly and annual consolidated financial statements, manages the Official Public Account, and provides accounting policy advice.
G&RM also provides policy leadership on grants administration, manages the Gateway assurance review process and advises the government on electoral policy. The group leads Commonwealth whole-of-government data policy and the work to continue developing Australia’s expanded Digital ID system.
Through the Government and Defence Division, the Group also provides policy advice and financial analysis to Government on strategic Defence policy and acquisitions, intelligence issues, security, law and justice, foreign affairs, trade and overseas development assistance, immigration and border protection, territories, financial and economic regulation, revenue collection, superannuation and the central operations of the Executive government and the Parliament.

Nathan Williamson
Deputy Secretary
Financial Analysis, Reporting and Management
First Assistant Secretary : Amy Fox
Phone: 02 6215 2036
Financial Analysis, Reporting and Management (FARM) Division consolidates all updates of the Budget, provides budget financial data published by the Australian Government (including at Budget, MYEFO, and Final Budget Outcome), and prepares and publishes the Australian Government’s monthly and annual consolidated financial statements. In addition, FARM develops accounting policy to support the Australian Government’s budgeting and reporting framework and provides stewardship of the accounting and finance profession across the Australian Public Service (APS). FARM also prepares appropriation bills, administers the cash drawdowns of those appropriations and the movement of all cash payments and receipts through the Official Public Account. FARM also advises on charging for government products and services.
Accounting and Frameworks
Assistant Secretary: Lasantha Samaranayake
Phone: 02 6215 2629
The Accounting and Frameworks Branch works closely with other areas of government and external stakeholders to provide high quality, timely and relevant financial policy and guidance, advice and stewardship. The Branch is responsible for supporting Commonwealth entities to meet their statutory budgetary and financial reporting obligations, including responsibility for updating legislative instruments and providing guidance materials and accounting related technical advice to support Commonwealth reporting entities to prepare their annual financial statements. Accounting and Frameworks Branch provides stewardship of the accounting and finance profession across the Australian Public Service, manages the financial arrangements for Commonwealth superannuation schemes and the investment/asset funds, and advises on charging for government products and services.
Estimates and Reporting
Assistant Secretary: Angela Baum
Phone: 02 6215 3936
The Estimates and Reporting Branch is responsible for the preparation of and advice to the Finance Minister and Government on whole-of-government financial statements and other financial information for all annual estimates and actuals updates, including for Budget publications (Budget, Mid-Year Economic and Fiscal Outlook and Final Budget Outcome).
The Branch also produces the annual Consolidated Financial Statements and the Australian Government’s General Government Sector Monthly Financial Statements and provides advice on the Australian Bureau of Statistics’ Government Finance Statistics.
Financial Management
Assistant Secretary : Chi Tran
Phone: 02 6215 1888
The Financial Management Branch is responsible for Commonwealth appropriation management framework, including preparing appropriation bills, and establishment of legislative authority for Commonwealth spending through amendments to the Financial Framework (Supplementary Powers) Regulations 1997 (FFSP Regulations).
This includes arranging annual and special appropriations (and special accounts) and maintaining of their records, Commonwealth Cash Management, the Official Public Account (OPA), provision of advice and oversight on appropriations and retainable receipts, foreign exchange risk management, coordination of the development of Budget Paper No. 4, and provision of advice and support for Machinery of Government Changes, provision of advice on the Financial Framework (Supplementary Powers) Act 1997 framework and administration of the FFSP Regulations, including amendments to Schedule 1AB of the Regulations.
Digital ID and Data Policy
First Assistant Secretary: John Shepherd
Phone: 02 6215 3208
The Digital ID and Data Policy Division sets the policy for Digital ID, oversees and coordinates the government agencies that deliver the Australian Government Digital ID System (the System), and currently administers the accreditation program for Digital ID providers. The Digital ID Program seeks to provide all Australians and businesses with a single and secure way to access government and other services online. The scope of the Program includes the policy, processes, technology and systems that enable a Digital ID to work. Through the Data and Assurance Branch, the Division coordinates decisions and actions across Commonwealth agencies and with state and territory governments to use data and digital opportunities to greatest effect.
Data Policy and Assurance
Assistant Secretary: Andrew Lalor
Phone: 02 6215 2081
Data and Assurance Branch coordinate decisions and actions across Commonwealth agencies and with state and territory governments to use data and digital opportunities to greatest effect. The Branch leads whole-of-government data policy in the Commonwealth, supports Commonwealth data governance and data capability uplift and supports the Data and Digital Ministers Meeting to progress data and digital priorities. The branch is also responsible for administering the Australian Government Cabinet-mandated Assurance Reviews process which supports Government decision-making on high-risk and high-cost New Policy Proposals and provides assurance for major projects and programs.
Digital ID Communication, Inclusion and Governance
Assistant Secretary: Penelope Jones
Phone: 02 6215 2056
The Digital ID Communication, Inclusion and Governance branch is responsible for:
- managing and protecting the overall reputation of Australia’s Digital ID System and supporting public access to clear and factual information, via ongoing communication and implementation of wide-reaching campaigns
- supporting more Australians to get and reuse a Digital ID if they choose, by partnering to embed inclusive design in policy, legislation and user experience
- facilitating effective whole-of-government decision-making to enable better implementation, risk management and user experience
- managing whole of government and whole of economy governance for the Digital ID program, providing secretariat support to the program’s governing bodies and Expert Panel, and developing regular reports including whole-of-program status reporting.
Digital ID Legislation & Rules
A/g Assistant Secretary: Duncan Anderson
Phone: 02 6215 2274
The Digital ID Legislation and Rules Branch is responsible for the legislative framework that supports Australia’s Digital ID System. The key focus of the Branch is:
- coordinating the implementation and administration of the Digital ID Act 2024, working collaboratively across agencies to align with other legislative reforms to support Digital ID and broader government objectives;
- ongoing development of the Digital ID rules and other legislative instruments that comprise the Digital ID legislative framework; and
- legal policy advice to support the broader implementation of Australia’s Digital ID System.
Digital ID Policy
Assistant Secretary: Matt Sedgwick
Phone: 02 6215 2476
The Digital ID Policy Branch provides the Government with advice on Digital ID policy. The Branch is responsible for:
- policy and strategic leadership for Digital ID, including specific policies that support the Digital ID legislation and rules as well as policies to drive greater adoption of Digital ID
- policy advice on the use of new technology, including the adoption of verifiable credentials and digital wallets
- policy on the phased expansion of the Australian Government Digital ID System
- transitioning regulatory delivery and oversight for Digital ID to the ACCC, including the move to a broader data and digital regulator.
Governance and Grants
First Assistant Secretary: Tracey Carroll
Phone: 02 6215 2499
Governance and Grants Division advises the Government on electoral policy and Commonwealth civilian and parliamentary superannuation arrangements. The Division comprises a number of functions including stewardship of the Commonwealth Grants Policy Framework and grants administration.
The division is also responsible for the Public Governance Performance and Accountability Act 2013 (PGPA Act) and advises on the creation, accountabilities and responsibilities of government bodies under the Act and provides guidance to support the application of the PGPA framework.
The division oversees the superannuation arrangements for Commonwealth employees, members of parliament, federal judges and Governors-General. This includes administering the pension schemes for former parliamentarians, judges and governors-general.
Electoral and Superannuation Policy
Assistant Secretary: Sebastian Powney
Phone: 02 6215 1603
The Branch develops policy and advises on the governance frameworks for electoral matters. The Branch has portfolio oversight of the Australian Electoral Commission and administers relevant legislation including the Commonwealth Electoral Act 1918 and the Referendum (Machinery Provisions) Act 1984.
The Branch enables frameworks to support effective governance and stewardship in public resource management by:
- developing policy and legislation in relation to the conduct and integrity of electoral processes.
- overseeing the superannuation arrangements for Commonwealth employees, members of parliament, federal judges and Governors-General. This includes administering the pension schemes for former parliamentarians, judges and governors-general. Superannuation arrangements are a significant aspect of Commonwealth administration covering approximately 175,000 contributing Commonwealth members.
Grants Policy
Assistant Secretary: Lucinda Atkinson
Phone: 02 6215 1336
The Grants Policy Branch is responsible for developing and implementing whole-of-government policy advice on the Commonwealth Grants Rules and Principles (CGRPs) and has policy oversight of Commonwealth grants administration arrangements. The Branch coordinates the review and release requests for Grant Opportunity Guidelines and provides timely assistance and advice to Government, entities, and other stakeholders to assist them to meet their obligations under the policies and frameworks.
PGPA and Digital Reporting
Assistant Secretary: Kim Baker
Phone: 02 6215 1372
The PGPA and Digital Reporting Branch provides guidance and advice to Commonwealth entities on their accountability and reporting obligations under the PGPA Act and government policy framework. It maintains the Commonwealth’s performance reporting and annual reporting frameworks and supports the development of better practice for each of these. The Branch is responsible for the Transparency Portal, which is a central repository and data store of all publicly available corporate information for all Commonwealth entities.
The Branch provides expert advice to all Commonwealth entities on the PGPA Act and obligations under the PGPA framework. It issues Resource Management Guidance and other web-based guidance to support the application of the PGPA framework and is continuing to build a significant web presence to provide targeted technical information to support those working in and with government bodies.
The Branch is responsible for the administration of the Organisations and Appointments Register. The Register supports the publication of three datasets on directory.gov.au. This includes the Australian Government Organisations Register which reports government organisations, boards and committees in a single location.
Government and Defence
First Assistant Secretary: Anna Harmer
Phone: 02 6215 3079
Government and Defence Division (GDD) provides policy and financial advice to government on strategic defence policy and acquisitions, intelligence issues, security, law and justice, foreign affairs, trade and overseas development assistance, immigration and border protection, territories, financial and economic regulation, revenue collection, superannuation and the central operations of the Executive Government and the Parliament. GDD has three branches:
Central Agencies and Attorney General’s
Assistant Secretary: Paul Pfitzner
Phone: 02 6215 3412
Central Agencies and Attorney- General's Branch provides policy and financial advice on the operations of agencies performing central functions, primarily the Treasury, Prime Minister and Cabinet and the Finance portfolios as well as Parliamentary services. This covers advice on economics, finance and statistics, asset management and procurement, information technology, market regulation, deregulation, taxation and superannuation, Commonwealth-State relation issues and electoral services. The branch also provides policy and financial advice on the Attorney-General’s portfolio including federal courts and tribunals and legal aid.
A/g Assistant Secretary: Glenva Parker
Phone: 02 6215 1658
Defence Branch provides policy and financial advice on defence strategy, operations and capability, and on defence security and intelligence matters. This includes supporting work on the Defence Integrated Investment Program, including advising on proposals relating to major defence equipment acquisitions, ICT and the Defence Estate and the associated analysis of costs, risks, priority and affordability.
Home and Foreign Affairs
Assistant Secretary: Sebastian Mathew
Phone: 02 6215 1812
Home and Foreign Affairs Branch provides policy and financial advice on immigration, border protection, citizenship, settlement services, social cohesion and multicultural affairs, disaster relief, emergency management, foreign affairs, customs, tourism, trade policy and assistance to exporters, the overseas aid program, including official development assistance, law enforcement, and national security.
Office of the National Data Commissioner
The National Data Commissioner: Gayle Milnes
Phone: 02 6215 2845
The Office of the National Data Commissioner sits within the Department of Finance.
The Office supports the National Data Commissioner to:
- serve the public interest by promoting better availability of public sector data
- enable the sharing of public sector data consistent with the Privacy Act 1988 and appropriate security safeguards
- enhance integrity and transparency in sharing public sector data
- build confidence in the use of public sector data, and
- establish institutional arrangements for sharing public sector data.
The National Data Commissioner, is the regulator of the DATA Scheme and provides advice and guidance about its operation to the Minister, Scheme participants and others. The Commissioner's other functions are to deliver education and tools to support best practice data handling and sharing.
For more information about the Office, the National Data Commissioner and their work go to www.datacommissioner.gov.au.
Policy, Regulation and Legal
A/g Assistant Secretary : Taylor Black
Phone: 02 6215 3976
Strategy & Delivery
Assistant Secretary: Andrew Taylor
Phone: 02 6215 3764