Entity Start-up Guide launched

Entity Start-up guide launched

Finance has launched a new guide, the Entity Start-up guide, to support those tasked with setting up a new Commonwealth entity.  It has been developed collaboratively, as a web-based tool, with those entities responsible for legislation, policies, frameworks and processes that may need to be followed, including importantly, contact information for those entities.

Given that establishment circumstances may vary, the guide addresses operational start-up matters which would largely be common for all entities and in preparing a new Commonwealth entity to commence operating. It deals with operational arrangements after the entity has been established. The Entity Start-up guide that has been developed, brings together in one place, the varying requirements. 

The guide is indicative - it is not meant to be exhaustive. 

Navigating the guide is simple, with the idea of breaking down the varying requirements and necessary steps required in setting up a new entity, into easy to follow elements.  When clicking through the guide the information we have received has been categorised into two main sections: “Getting Started” and “Key Topics”.

“Getting Started” addresses the three key elements:

  • the what, who, when and how of using the guide;
  • Check if you’re ready i.e. are you legally established and if not provides links to existing Finance guidance to assist you.
  • Initial priorities – particularly drawing on the experiences we have heard from those who have recently set up new entities what actions are key to facilitating a smoother start up process

Underneath the three key elements information has been categorised into 12 key topics.  This has been built using the material provided by stakeholders and incorporated it into the categories and sub-categories.

Our aim is that the guide relies on the links to a responsible entity’s own website so the detailed information stays as up to date as possible. To support this, a key contacts page has been developed as a key resource noting that the ability to contact the relevant person as directly as possible is critical to supporting new entities navigate the volume and, at times, the complexity of requirements.  A user will be able to navigate to the key contacts page from every page on the website and go directly to that contact where they need to discuss a specific requirement or seek clarification on a matter.

If you would like more information or would like to provide feedback on the guide, please contact us at pgpa@finance.gov.au

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