PGPA Act Flipchart and List

The Australian Government is made up of many different types of government bodies. 

Flipchart of Commonwealth entities and companies

The Flipchart is a reference of all non-corporate and corporate Commonwealth entities and companies. Commonwealth entities and companies are government bodies that are subject to the Public Governance, Performance and Accountability Act 2013 (the PGPA Act).

Commonwealth entities and companies on the Flipchart are organised by their portfolio.

Portfolios are established through the Administrative Arrangements Order (AAO) available on the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet website.

If your organisation is not on the Flipchart then it is not a Commonwealth entity or company. It may be another type of government body.

More information about the types of government bodies can be found at Types of Australian Government bodies and AGOR.

List of Commonwealth entities and companies

The List provides more information on Commonwealth entities and companies, including:

  • enabling legislation
  • accountable authority or governing board
  • other governance related details.

Table of changes

Key changes to the Flipchart are summarised in the Table of Changes.

Table of Changes to the Flipchart - 2024-25

Date*ChangeEntity NamePortfolioChange Details
3/03/25AmendNorthern Territory Aboriginal Investment Corporation (Aboriginal Investment NT)Prime Minister and CabinetThe entity known as the Northern Territory Aboriginal Investment Corporation may now also be known as Aboriginal Investment NT from 30 July 2024, as provided in the Northern Territory Aboriginal Investment Corporation - Rules for Names and Acronyms 2024. 
3/02/25AddCEA Technologies Pty LimitedFinanceA new non-wholly owned Commonwealth company for the Public Governance, Performance and Accountability Act 2013 from 28 January 2025.
3/02/25AddITC Technologies Pty LtdFinanceA new wholly owned Commonwealth company for the Public Governance, Performance and Accountability Act 2013 from 28 January 2025.
3/02/25AddNational Commission for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Children and Young PeopleSocial ServicesA new non-corporate Commonwealth entity established by amendment to Schedule 1 of the Public Governance, Performance and Accountability Rule 2014 on 13 January 2025.
2/01/25AddNet Zero Economy AuthorityPrime Minister and CabinetNet Zero Economy Authority established as a non-corporate Commonwealth entity on 11 December 2024 by the Net Zero Economy Authority Act 2024.
21/10/24AddAdministrative Review TribunalAttorney-General'sAdministrative Review Tribunal established as a non-corporate Commonwealth entity by the Administrative Review Tribunal Act 2024 on 14 October 2024
21/10/24RemoveAdministrative Appeals TribunalAttorney-General'sAdministrative Appeals Tribunal abolished as a non-corporate Commonwealth entity by the Administrative Review Tribunal (Consequential and Transitional Provisions No. 1) Act 2024 on 14 October 2024.
1/10/24RemoveNational Mental Health CommissionHealth and Aged CareNational Mental Health Commission abolished as a non-corporate Commonwealth entity on 30 September 2024 by an amendment to Schedule 1 of the Public Governance, Performance and Accountability Rule 2014.
1/08/24AmendAustralian Security Intelligence OrganisationAttorney-General'sEntity moved from the Home Affairs portfolio to the Attorney-General's portfolio. This change reflects the Machinery of Government change commencing on 29 July 2024. 
* This is the date that the change was made in the flipchart, not necessarily the date that the change occurred to the entity or company. The Flipchart of Commonwealth entities and companies and the List of Commonwealth entities and companies under the PGPA Act are not legal documents.

Copies of previous year summaries of changes are available under Tools and templates. The date of the Flipchart and the List is the date when Finance made changes to them, not necessarily the date when the change occurred to the entity or company.

Further information

Both the PGPA Flipchart and List of Commonwealth entities and companies can be used digitally to access additional functionality. In the Flipchart users can click on the names of the Commonwealth entities and companies to visit their webpage and get more information. The Bodies List provides this and additional links to enabling legislation and Australian Business Number.

Finance takes great care to ensure the information contained in the Flipchart and the List is accurate. It is not the source of authority; it is a resource to help users quickly find information on Commonwealth entities and companies at a point in time.

An Excel version of the Commonwealth entities and companies listed on the PGPA Act Flipchart is available from the right-hand menu under Tools and templates.

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